Sunday, September 07, 2003


Pearl Harbor changed everything. The era of showdown from the East and West was upon America, and like it or not, we had to defend ourselves and Britain, while we were at it. We baby boomers remember hearing about it. "The big one, W W II," as Dobie Gillis' pop used to say.

Here we are again, at the defining moment in western civilization. Our guts are in a roil, anxious about this Iraq thing, but know we have to trust the president. He's got the information; we don't. Therefore, most of us trust the man.

Three equally important items on the agenda today--


The Dems have been given a gift. The benefits won't become apparent for another election cycle.

Davis' signing of the bill giving illegals the right to have a drivers license is hugely problematic. Here's why.

Davis's sudden new constituency will keep him in some form of comfortable power for years to come. As a result of Davis' pander and because of motor voter registration in California, our state faces a revolution. It's a quiet one, but the sheer volume of it builds steam every day. The fact is: illegals will now be able to vote.

Another element, of course, is the danger this immoral law poses to national security. If the Feds don't stop this, we can kiss it goodbye and the former won't matter. Poor President Bush. California's problem becomes more than immigration being out of control; it is now a race issue. It will hurt in the president but he has to do the right thing.

It has become apparent that Mexifornia is the goal of some of our American Spanish-surnamed elected officials. I will remind you the illegal drivers licensing debate was carried on in Spanish on the state senate floor. From the affected "Frito Bandino" voice of Angelides, "What are you afraid of? We work in every kitchen in California. Scared we'll poison your food?" This was paraphrased. But the voice and attitude were definitely smug, snide and very un-American. These kinds of comments are now coming from public officials directed at the tax paying citizens of this country, and directed specifically at Anglos. Unacceptable behavior in our legislature.

The night Davis signed the bill, the attorney for the illegals ended Chris Matthews' highly charged TV interview with him and Bob Dornan by throwing up his fist shouting, "Its a new California!"

This racist, well-organized effort must be exposed and stopped. We Americans should no longer feel angst and guilt about our duty. Throwing up our hands and giving it all up is simply not an option. The fact is: if they're illegal, they need to go home. If they're here to take over our state, we need to send them home. Senor Bustamante's not very discreet connections with MEChA and their core tenet--all bronze folks in, white folks out is shocking. Would that include light blacks, or light Asians; what about Indians, Packistanis, Saudis? Wish it weren't true. But it's a fact. Read about MEChA. Delightful people.

Naturalized citizens should be outraged at this slap. They went through the process, which is all the U.S. is asking.


This little twit, another tyrant's progeny ascending to a "throne," has backed down due to Bush's excellent work during the latest crises. Bush held firm, as he usually does, insisting that China be involved, along with Japan in talks. There will be no unilateral talks with the US.

Meanwhile, Jong continues to sell his Dong missles and nuclear materials to anyone who wants them, perhaps including a few Saudis, el Qaeda*.

The danger isn't really with Jong's using his nukes on the US (currently--who knows in two or three years?) as much as with terrorists and rogue nations buying them on the black market. We will have to assist Japan in defending herself, as well as South Korea. It seems these nations finally have come to the sweet reason only fear and dying can bring. Listening to Mr. Bush is very important.

The big guy's going to need some troops. Another fact to face. We'll probably have to reinstate the draft. That is life, cyclical and normal. We're just not used to it yet. If the world continues toward self-anihilation, my WAG for bringing back the draft is five years from now. By the way, none of these opinions are based on anything more than political theory and iand analysis of imperical, historical tendencies. Plus some common sense.


Election campaigning, usually a fun thing for a polijunkie like me has become distressing, irritating. For instance, when Howard Dean appears, I flip the remote or leave the room. That's probably not a good thing to do, but I can't seem to help myself. I feel my blood pressure soar the sound of his strident, smart-ass voice. This doctor, who know absolutely zero about foreign policy, and the Democrats are doing exactly what they did with McGovern. Didn't work then, won't work now.

The discussions among the know nothings who postulate about our bad foreign policy, which is nothing more than a manifestation of their pathologic hatred of George Bush, fail to give us the great wisdom and knowledge on what to do. For instance, when would be the good time to face up to the danger in the world--before we're hit again, or after?

The fact is: the war is here. The bad guys want to kill us. We cannot afford the luxury of such "free speech." Wonder if Roosevelt had to put up with this kind of abuse during the war? For instance, did Wilkey or Landon say awful things, further debilitating US troop morale? Did FDR have a press that second guessed his every war decision?

No, he probably didn't. After all, he was a Democrat. And they are, after all, perfect people.

Thanks for the read.

*El Qaeda translated is "the list."

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