Monday, October 13, 2003




Five minutes ago, I read two current reports from papers in India and Pakistan stating Saddam got out on a watermelon barge. Find this at the Google News link on the right.

Sure hope it's true, don't you?


Well, it's post election and we in California are no longer mired in the frenzy of the past two months. I'll just say I'm happy it's over. Let's hope the Governator will do his job.


Remember back when Arnold first announced for governor? One of the reasons I instantly threw my support behind him was the fact that his wife, Maria, is a Kennedy. That will do Governor-Elect Arnold quite well when the negotating starts. Imagine the most intransigent Democrat in California (hmmmmm...maybe Willie Brown) being approached by one of the older Kennedys (or Sargent Shriver himself) with a request to do it for the Kennedys...after all, you owe us.

Yep. Arnold's going to be just fine. The Kennedy blood is thicker than anything, including politics.


Not only does he suffer from horrible addiction to morphene-style drugs, he's in pain. How his docs will manage this, I don't know. Addiction is this case has nothing to do with will power. It really doesn't

His tolerance has built up and his addiction is uncontrollable. When he finally is off, he'll still have the pain. Not much of a payoff for being good, huh? Too bad Rush is so against legalising some drugs. He could be given medical marijuana. At least there's no addiction.


I went to my favorite grocery store yesterday only to have been met by women and men in the same tee shirts, carrying placards stating they were grocery checkers on strike. As I walked through them, one of them said, "Please don't shop here. Honor our picket line."

I said, "No."

Later when I walked out with my groceries the leader asked, "Why won't you support us? Think of our families. This is very important."

Years ago, unions were a necessary evil. Thanks to the avarice of large companies, people had to deal with management from a collective bargaining position to get the most basic demands met, No one spoke for the "workers." Back then.

My dad used to say labor unions were going to price themselves right out of the market. Looks like he was right.

The facts: Less than 13% of Americans belong to labor unions today. Most of that 13% are government employees and belong to the powerful Federal Government Employee lobby. Take a look at some of their benefits some day. The other pluses include, well...look it up. You'll be amazed at what a bureaucrat makes.

Anyway, I don't like having to equate my shopping experience with a moral question. It's for darn sure none of them would stop doing business with any of the companies I wrote technical manuals for!

Meanwhile, I'm sick of victims, frankly. And that's how these people are portraying themselves.

By the way, these folks make up to $17.91 for passing merchandise and food over scanners. Plus benefits and retirement. Pretty good bucks for passing stuff over a computer.

I've heard this strike is part of a national strategy to upset WalMart, a non-union store.


I've decided to send myself back to scriptwriting hell. And hell it is, believe me. I can do nothing else during that period, so I'll not be writing my BLOG for a while. Hope all remains well for all of you.


Thanks for the read.

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