Wednesday, October 29, 2003
What's a perfect storm?
Anyone who performs life threatening tasks such as blue water sailing or parenting understands the analogy. A lot like Murphy's Law, a perfect storm is described as everything that can go wrong does. If something happened to cause you to say disgustedly, "Oh, great. That's just great," you've just gone through a perfect storm.
We inhabitants of Planet Earth can now say we are experiencing several perfect storms together. Here are some.
The Iraq War: Not only are there Iraqi insurgents causing unbelievable frustration and death to the Coalition and Iraqis, we're bashed over and over again by our own Democrat prez candidates. The rest of the world chimes in. The perfection is manifested in the chaos caused on the world's political stage.
The Middle East War: Israel won't sit still anymore while Hammas kills their people, so they built a wall. Young Palestinians are crazed enough to kill themselves and others in their suicide/homicide attacks. This is perfection in that nothing can be done to stop these terrorists as long as Hammas is in business. Then there's Arafat, this old fool who has prolonged these horrible attacks by just "being there." Great, that's just great.
The Media: Can you remember a time when sexuality was so brazenly presented as it was this last summer? And the coarse language used as the primary communication device between young people, those heartless, mean ones who are quite ignorant, thanks to the perfect storm of teachers not teaching and parents not parenting. No one can state we've done our best here. Isn't it just perfect that Eminem makes zillions while our children are affected by his hatred and negativity? Or Madonna says she shields her little ones from the sexuality on TV. Puleeze.
The lack of respect for CBS to tell a bogus story about Ronald Reagan (while the man is still alive!) strikes me as an "in your face" kind of propaganda from the left in Hollywood. When asked about the veracity of some of the scenes in the movie one of the writers stated,"Well, we have our own sort of truth in Hollywood."
Amazing. The perfection here is the absolute disrespect of those like Barbra Streisand whose success comes directly from the American system or other Hollywood idealogues dedicated to destroying those whom most people respect. Plus their arrogance!
Politics and propaganda: I still can't get over the lack of manners among politicians. It appears they have abdicated their responsibility to keep the public rhetoric calm, respectful. The consequences (and resultant perfection)? This coarser, meaner our discourse becomes. we become coarser, meaner. Flipping the bird, once a horrible display, now is commonplace, even among grandmothers and little girls.
Terrorism: Millions of Muslims are dedicated to destroying western civilization, especially Americans in America. And America lets them do it because they have civil rights and shouldn't be profiled. Doesn't it just figure there are those in America who insist on ignoring these threats to the very being of our country? Great, huh?
And finally, While L.A. Burns: The craven, disrespectful glitterati of Hollywood drink Cristale and toast the glory of another Tower of Babylon, namely the Disney Hall, and ignore what's not part of their provincial Beverly Hills, Brentwood and even Studio City. The stars and their little minions, the executives and their Hollywood society wives, and the media barons whose livlihoods are dependent upon it all talk exhaltedly of art and culture, while fire departments keep these spoiled individuals' neighborhoods from being consumed by tornadic fire.
And the pickets in front of our grocery stores who say it wouldn't help the fire victims if they didn't picket? Life goes on, they say. We have to take care of our own. Ain't it perfect?
I'm sick of hearing that excuse for basically thumbing their noses at what's going on around them. Think of the lack of concern these people are showing. Dammit. What's wrong with showing our concern by NOT doing something?
"Moving on" is the ridiculous rationalization for the most irresponsible among us. There has to be a time of concern and respect for those among who have lost everything. THEN, we move on. Again, a display of shallow perfection at its best.
The perfect storms surrounding us physically and poltically produce greatness and courage, bravery and loyalty.
We fall heir to heroes during and after perfect storms. Like the group of women called SEAL WIVES AGAINST TERRORISM. They're taking care of business here at home by helping with different causes connected with the war.
Other heroes stand on the ridges of the San Bernardino National Forest or the Cuyamaca Mountains to keep thousands of hearths and homes standing through the conflagration of ferocious wild fires.
Public figures become our heroes by remaining firm against the evils of the dark despots in our midst.
I"m recalling the two or three people who have on every Saturday for the past six months stood on the corners of Diamond and Mountain Trail Drive who wave flags and hold signs that say, "Honk, if you support the war." Cheerleaders are also heroes. They understand psychology better than the learned Ph.Ds. Isn't that perfect?
And let us not forget the everyday heroes, all of us who contribute and work toward the good of our families and others...those of us who vote, who volunteer, who do something good without anyone knowing about it, who have risen above the perfect storms of our culture by taking care of our children and insisting upon excellence in their lives.
We've all experienced the perfect storms of hurt and humiliation at work, at disappointments in our loved ones, overcoming the perpetual hardships of unemployment or personal financial disaster, the same our ancestors faced in their perfect storms. Imagine the pioneers' PS: Indians, and cholera, and broken axles on their wagons, and the horse dropping dead, and, and, and. The perfection is their development of the western United States.
This morning I wondered how I can help the fire victims. The answer finally came to me. In the back seat of my SUV are many, many clothes that I was ready to take to a consignment shop. Instead, I'll just donate them to a fire charity. Perfect!
Thanks for the read.
Anyone who performs life threatening tasks such as blue water sailing or parenting understands the analogy. A lot like Murphy's Law, a perfect storm is described as everything that can go wrong does. If something happened to cause you to say disgustedly, "Oh, great. That's just great," you've just gone through a perfect storm.
We inhabitants of Planet Earth can now say we are experiencing several perfect storms together. Here are some.
The Iraq War: Not only are there Iraqi insurgents causing unbelievable frustration and death to the Coalition and Iraqis, we're bashed over and over again by our own Democrat prez candidates. The rest of the world chimes in. The perfection is manifested in the chaos caused on the world's political stage.
The Middle East War: Israel won't sit still anymore while Hammas kills their people, so they built a wall. Young Palestinians are crazed enough to kill themselves and others in their suicide/homicide attacks. This is perfection in that nothing can be done to stop these terrorists as long as Hammas is in business. Then there's Arafat, this old fool who has prolonged these horrible attacks by just "being there." Great, that's just great.
The Media: Can you remember a time when sexuality was so brazenly presented as it was this last summer? And the coarse language used as the primary communication device between young people, those heartless, mean ones who are quite ignorant, thanks to the perfect storm of teachers not teaching and parents not parenting. No one can state we've done our best here. Isn't it just perfect that Eminem makes zillions while our children are affected by his hatred and negativity? Or Madonna says she shields her little ones from the sexuality on TV. Puleeze.
The lack of respect for CBS to tell a bogus story about Ronald Reagan (while the man is still alive!) strikes me as an "in your face" kind of propaganda from the left in Hollywood. When asked about the veracity of some of the scenes in the movie one of the writers stated,"Well, we have our own sort of truth in Hollywood."
Amazing. The perfection here is the absolute disrespect of those like Barbra Streisand whose success comes directly from the American system or other Hollywood idealogues dedicated to destroying those whom most people respect. Plus their arrogance!
Politics and propaganda: I still can't get over the lack of manners among politicians. It appears they have abdicated their responsibility to keep the public rhetoric calm, respectful. The consequences (and resultant perfection)? This coarser, meaner our discourse becomes. we become coarser, meaner. Flipping the bird, once a horrible display, now is commonplace, even among grandmothers and little girls.
Terrorism: Millions of Muslims are dedicated to destroying western civilization, especially Americans in America. And America lets them do it because they have civil rights and shouldn't be profiled. Doesn't it just figure there are those in America who insist on ignoring these threats to the very being of our country? Great, huh?
And finally, While L.A. Burns: The craven, disrespectful glitterati of Hollywood drink Cristale and toast the glory of another Tower of Babylon, namely the Disney Hall, and ignore what's not part of their provincial Beverly Hills, Brentwood and even Studio City. The stars and their little minions, the executives and their Hollywood society wives, and the media barons whose livlihoods are dependent upon it all talk exhaltedly of art and culture, while fire departments keep these spoiled individuals' neighborhoods from being consumed by tornadic fire.
And the pickets in front of our grocery stores who say it wouldn't help the fire victims if they didn't picket? Life goes on, they say. We have to take care of our own. Ain't it perfect?
I'm sick of hearing that excuse for basically thumbing their noses at what's going on around them. Think of the lack of concern these people are showing. Dammit. What's wrong with showing our concern by NOT doing something?
"Moving on" is the ridiculous rationalization for the most irresponsible among us. There has to be a time of concern and respect for those among who have lost everything. THEN, we move on. Again, a display of shallow perfection at its best.
The perfect storms surrounding us physically and poltically produce greatness and courage, bravery and loyalty.
We fall heir to heroes during and after perfect storms. Like the group of women called SEAL WIVES AGAINST TERRORISM. They're taking care of business here at home by helping with different causes connected with the war.
Other heroes stand on the ridges of the San Bernardino National Forest or the Cuyamaca Mountains to keep thousands of hearths and homes standing through the conflagration of ferocious wild fires.
Public figures become our heroes by remaining firm against the evils of the dark despots in our midst.
I"m recalling the two or three people who have on every Saturday for the past six months stood on the corners of Diamond and Mountain Trail Drive who wave flags and hold signs that say, "Honk, if you support the war." Cheerleaders are also heroes. They understand psychology better than the learned Ph.Ds. Isn't that perfect?
And let us not forget the everyday heroes, all of us who contribute and work toward the good of our families and others...those of us who vote, who volunteer, who do something good without anyone knowing about it, who have risen above the perfect storms of our culture by taking care of our children and insisting upon excellence in their lives.
We've all experienced the perfect storms of hurt and humiliation at work, at disappointments in our loved ones, overcoming the perpetual hardships of unemployment or personal financial disaster, the same our ancestors faced in their perfect storms. Imagine the pioneers' PS: Indians, and cholera, and broken axles on their wagons, and the horse dropping dead, and, and, and. The perfection is their development of the western United States.
This morning I wondered how I can help the fire victims. The answer finally came to me. In the back seat of my SUV are many, many clothes that I was ready to take to a consignment shop. Instead, I'll just donate them to a fire charity. Perfect!
Thanks for the read.