Saturday, October 04, 2003




A typical move, especially among Democrats (Republicans are too nice--that's why George the Elder didn't get re-elected) is turn the tables on your opponent.

Remember when Gray Davis and Cruz Bustamante were on the defensive? Following the debate, Arnold pulled ahead of McClintock. The wicked witch of Brentwood (Huffyton) dropped out, Arnold gained momentum and the way looked clear to victory.

Not so fast. The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times do not want Arnold Schwarzenegger, or any Republican, for that matter, to win this election.

Their "puke" factor is gallon bag size. ABC went with an erroneous story about Arnold's "admiration" for Hitler, which was picked up by both LA and NY papers. Of course, now the story has been discredited.

Meanwhile, other women, all my age for God's sake, are looking for their 15 minutes (talk about Raisins in the Sun). Now really, how many of you women out there would speak up twenty-five years later? I went to some pretty wild parties myself. Where there's party drinking, there's fondling. Big deal. Interesting no one has cried rape, unlike another lech we all know.

About the groping: I DON'T CARE. Okay? I don't. This whole thing is ridiculous and I'm insulted the so-called Democratic "statesmen" have not stepped up to neutralize this shameful display of bloodsport politics. You know, we Repubs are being repaid. These people will not, repeat will not stop (number 10 below).

This is straight from the Democratic playbook. Clinton used it with success, Gore tried and now Davis and Bustamante. Here are the instructions taught at their mother's knee.

1. Deny..
2. Distort.
3. Delay.
4. Obfuscate.
5. Change the subject.
6. Pay off "witnesses."
7. Lie.
8. Attack.
9. Deny.
10. Never give up. Never.

And, according to David Horowitz, ex-Radical child: "Remember, the issue is NEVER the issue. The Issue is power, keeping it, and making sure no one else gets the power. Everything else is subordinate to that ideal."

Gives a a real nice feeling, don't it? Geez. It's just too much Machiavelli for this American hick. I just want an honest man to take care of business, like protect national security, no matter what it takes.

Back to California, we're at number 7, headed for number 8. Tommorrow Maureen Dowd(y) has a hit piece accusing Arnold of buying notes and tapes about his admiration of Hitler for $1 million, then paid another mill to the Simon Wiesenthal Center to help in the cover up. Hmmmm. She insults Schwartzenegger and also one of the most revered Jewish institutions in the world!

Remember Maureen Dowd? The one who hit and runs, never sits for interviews, dates Aaron Sorkin (the West Wing writer)?

By the way, if you'd like to read my other blogs about the history of the recall, look around my other sites. The Republican Party pieces explain a bit about how the party is made up. It's pretty harsh, but then, I'm calling it as I see it. The California Republican party has been dying for major election cycles. I talk about why and what needs to happen to get back our power.

Voting for Schwarzenegger is the beginning. In this case, remember the issue is not the issue. The issue is power and getting it before the Dems kill us all with their irresponsible views on illegal immigration. This is more than Davis. Think about the possiblity of a man (racist, unaplogetic about his views regarding Atzhlan and Mecha) like Bustamante getting more power. You don't think the world's fifth largest economy won't turn into a third world banana republic? Trust me; it will happen if Cruz is put in the state house. It scares the hell out of me.


Again, these people can't have it both ways. They set the standard for coverage of sexual matters with powerful men with Clinton . This is a calculated, systematic effort to destroy a upsurge in Republican support. Schwarzenegger has provided them with wonderful material.

This is not our grandfather's America.

Thanks for the read.
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