Friday, November 07, 2003
Jessica Lynch Says The Army Was Just Kidding
Now, I'm all for telling the truth. But when you've got a huge war going on, a military with borderline morale and a million dollar book advance on the line, isn't it all right to just say, "It was awful" and be done with it?
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned little Jessica can take a flying leap into the closest sand dune. This mess cook, hardly a front line soldier such as the ones who are currently losing their lives and limbs, was evidently so mesmerized by the big media queen, Dianne Sawyer, she felt she had to assuage her survivor guilt. So much for heroism.
I just don't get it. Doesn't anyone feel any patriotism anymore?
The Economy, Stupid
James Carville, that silver tongued devil, originally said, "It's the Economy, Stupid." It goes to show you that if you live by the phrase, you'll die by it.
Unfortunately for the Dems, it IS the economy, Stupid. GDP is up, the best since 1984, job growth is up and unemployment is down. We're on the cusp of the Christmas season. Just wait for the fourth quarter numbers to put President Bush over the top next election year.
Meanwhile, let's talk about NAFTA, international trade, etc. It's not hard to see what's going on. The world trade folks have had their way and thousands of American manufacturing jobs have been shipped offshore to our poorer friends. I never liked the idea for this reason.
Maybe the idea was the U.S. would become a service economy and everything would be okay. Off the top of my head, I don't have the numbers, it seems to me that to have this type of system, the workers must be fairly well educated and adaptable to that style of work.
We have neither the brain trusts nor the adaptability to transcend this gap. So, the steel worker, for instance. You want him to do what? Work at a computer?
The textile worker? She or he could maybe adapt to a new job--janitor?
This stinks. We need to fire up those steel mills again, get the engine going in America. Buy steel from Japan? No, no, no, no. Absolutely not.
And make importing countries actually pay the tariffs as called for in all our agreements, and increase them while were at it.
I may be unsophiscticated and unqualified to discuss these abstract economic theorems, but why not slimdown those corporate farms?Start converting corn to fuel. Give the big agricultural conglomerates foreign markets, but the let American farmers do the growing. Let Detroit produce automobiles again with domestic steel. Why not?
As for revving up our economy immediately, continue with tax cuts, make our military dollars go for American made only systems (no foreign subcontracting--none). Ramp up, make war machines in California again!
The psychological effect on Americans would be phenomenally uplifting. The reason Americans are so weird about war and politicians is they're fed up with the BS. Why would a country knowingly cause some occupations to become virtually obsolete? What happens to those Americans?
No one can tell me why huge corporations get to remove farmers from the marketplace, and make it all right. No one has been man enough to tell me why we have to buy Japan steel.
And what is the deal with WalMart literally taking little towns off the map? How? By driving the local drugstore, local pharmiscist, local hardware dealer, local photo lab, you name it, out of business. Isn't this the very same problem we had with Standard Oil? Do I smell a Clinton/Walton deal? Hey, it worked for Tyson (they've avoided the penalties for dumping chicken blank in Arkansas' rivers for years now). It makes no sense.
Americans, above everything, are sensible.
By the way, if it's a service economy you're looking for, we'd best get our young'uns to the point that they can READ.
Speaking of France
The French Minister of Tourism is making the rounds of the talk shows explaining why Americans should start traveling again to France. Hmmmm. Does this mean Frenchmen won't laugh and point while we struggle through the menu? I doubt it. As my old Uncle Homer used to say, "I didn't leave anything in France." Oh, yeah. He received the French Medal of Honor for his heroism in saving a French town in WWI. He brought it home.
I Just Want To See Her
I'm on the hunt for Maureen Dowd again (hereinafter known as "Dowdy"), that NY Times writer I detest for her hit and run tactics on anything decent in this life. Is she a real person, or is the picture of her really a guy with a huge nose made up in drag?
Show yourself, you hatemonger. Even Robert Scheer of the LA Times has the courtesy to appear in PBS debates.
I'll reply to her latest bomb: she actually accuses the president of being insensitive to the fallen heroes of the war. Says he needs to go to more funerals. Uh huh.
Partial Birth Abortion, a Euphemism for Infanticide
One day after the president signed the ban on PBA, two federal judges, one in California, overturned it. Nevermind that the congress and president voted this into law, the courts again are legislating from the bench.
This has to stop. Federal judgeships have a historically high vacancy rate because every candidate placed before the committees are "borked." The Republican strategy seems to be to force the Dems to go ahead with their filibuster on Janice Rogers Brown, another black conservative, Bush's latest attempt at filling a federal slot.
Meanwhile, the ridiculous notion that no one on the courts can be pro-life is causing real problems in our democracy. This all plays into the pro-abortionists' hold on the Dems. If they don't approve of a Bush candidate, abortion is still legal, right? NOW and others insist this is just the Republicans' starting to overturn abortion laws.
Well, if their idea of abortion to take a little bitty baby's head out of its mother's womb, then stab it with a pair of scissors, then yeah, you pro choice people need to worry. This procedure is not partial birth abortion, it is infanticide. Have we lost our minds?
Read about it, then weep.
Thanks for the read.
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned little Jessica can take a flying leap into the closest sand dune. This mess cook, hardly a front line soldier such as the ones who are currently losing their lives and limbs, was evidently so mesmerized by the big media queen, Dianne Sawyer, she felt she had to assuage her survivor guilt. So much for heroism.
I just don't get it. Doesn't anyone feel any patriotism anymore?
The Economy, Stupid
James Carville, that silver tongued devil, originally said, "It's the Economy, Stupid." It goes to show you that if you live by the phrase, you'll die by it.
Unfortunately for the Dems, it IS the economy, Stupid. GDP is up, the best since 1984, job growth is up and unemployment is down. We're on the cusp of the Christmas season. Just wait for the fourth quarter numbers to put President Bush over the top next election year.
Meanwhile, let's talk about NAFTA, international trade, etc. It's not hard to see what's going on. The world trade folks have had their way and thousands of American manufacturing jobs have been shipped offshore to our poorer friends. I never liked the idea for this reason.
Maybe the idea was the U.S. would become a service economy and everything would be okay. Off the top of my head, I don't have the numbers, it seems to me that to have this type of system, the workers must be fairly well educated and adaptable to that style of work.
We have neither the brain trusts nor the adaptability to transcend this gap. So, the steel worker, for instance. You want him to do what? Work at a computer?
The textile worker? She or he could maybe adapt to a new job--janitor?
This stinks. We need to fire up those steel mills again, get the engine going in America. Buy steel from Japan? No, no, no, no. Absolutely not.
And make importing countries actually pay the tariffs as called for in all our agreements, and increase them while were at it.
I may be unsophiscticated and unqualified to discuss these abstract economic theorems, but why not slimdown those corporate farms?Start converting corn to fuel. Give the big agricultural conglomerates foreign markets, but the let American farmers do the growing. Let Detroit produce automobiles again with domestic steel. Why not?
As for revving up our economy immediately, continue with tax cuts, make our military dollars go for American made only systems (no foreign subcontracting--none). Ramp up, make war machines in California again!
The psychological effect on Americans would be phenomenally uplifting. The reason Americans are so weird about war and politicians is they're fed up with the BS. Why would a country knowingly cause some occupations to become virtually obsolete? What happens to those Americans?
No one can tell me why huge corporations get to remove farmers from the marketplace, and make it all right. No one has been man enough to tell me why we have to buy Japan steel.
And what is the deal with WalMart literally taking little towns off the map? How? By driving the local drugstore, local pharmiscist, local hardware dealer, local photo lab, you name it, out of business. Isn't this the very same problem we had with Standard Oil? Do I smell a Clinton/Walton deal? Hey, it worked for Tyson (they've avoided the penalties for dumping chicken blank in Arkansas' rivers for years now). It makes no sense.
Americans, above everything, are sensible.
By the way, if it's a service economy you're looking for, we'd best get our young'uns to the point that they can READ.
Speaking of France
The French Minister of Tourism is making the rounds of the talk shows explaining why Americans should start traveling again to France. Hmmmm. Does this mean Frenchmen won't laugh and point while we struggle through the menu? I doubt it. As my old Uncle Homer used to say, "I didn't leave anything in France." Oh, yeah. He received the French Medal of Honor for his heroism in saving a French town in WWI. He brought it home.
I Just Want To See Her
I'm on the hunt for Maureen Dowd again (hereinafter known as "Dowdy"), that NY Times writer I detest for her hit and run tactics on anything decent in this life. Is she a real person, or is the picture of her really a guy with a huge nose made up in drag?
Show yourself, you hatemonger. Even Robert Scheer of the LA Times has the courtesy to appear in PBS debates.
I'll reply to her latest bomb: she actually accuses the president of being insensitive to the fallen heroes of the war. Says he needs to go to more funerals. Uh huh.
Partial Birth Abortion, a Euphemism for Infanticide
One day after the president signed the ban on PBA, two federal judges, one in California, overturned it. Nevermind that the congress and president voted this into law, the courts again are legislating from the bench.
This has to stop. Federal judgeships have a historically high vacancy rate because every candidate placed before the committees are "borked." The Republican strategy seems to be to force the Dems to go ahead with their filibuster on Janice Rogers Brown, another black conservative, Bush's latest attempt at filling a federal slot.
Meanwhile, the ridiculous notion that no one on the courts can be pro-life is causing real problems in our democracy. This all plays into the pro-abortionists' hold on the Dems. If they don't approve of a Bush candidate, abortion is still legal, right? NOW and others insist this is just the Republicans' starting to overturn abortion laws.
Well, if their idea of abortion to take a little bitty baby's head out of its mother's womb, then stab it with a pair of scissors, then yeah, you pro choice people need to worry. This procedure is not partial birth abortion, it is infanticide. Have we lost our minds?
Read about it, then weep.
Thanks for the read.