Monday, January 19, 2004


Just As I Thought...

The revealing Iowa caucuses tells me one very important thing: most people, even Democrats, are offended by the type of campaigning we've seen by Dean and MoveOn.dumb.

I'm frankly thrilled. I'm hoping the hyennas remove themselves from the perimeter of this country and quiet down. They've done inestimable harm to our country in ways that have yet to manifest. I pray for a return to decency in our discourse.

John Kerry, the tall Dem from Massachusetts, looks to have won first place, with John Edwards from N.C., in second. Guess what fairly liberal Iowans want is a feisty candidate, like Kerry, but others look for good manners. We'll see what the stiff necks in New Hampshire have to say about all this. Remember, General Wesley Clark dropped out of Iowa to concentrate on N.H.


I notice Dowdy's back, sans the slashing vitriol, and worries that Governor Dean's wife hasn't shown her face during the campaign. I think we can all figure out why. Would you like to be in a motel room with HIM for six weeks?

Anyway, I wonder whazzup with Dowdy. I mean, did she have a lift, or a job, or a tuck? Tell us all, Dowdy. Hey, I understand. Living with a Hwood writer brings up lots of insecurities. Maybe she just took a vacation. Shy, endearing little Maureen, was an absolute pussygato in her latest screed.

Meanwhile, Dowdy's next column probably includes a lecture on why we should never, ever believe the President of the United States. After the Prez's successes his media foes will attempt to misquote, mischaracterize and mistake the President's motive. Dowdy's slip into niceness will not last.

Cancel your tickets to the Tijuana bullfights, what we got ahead of us is bloodsport. In other words, if you think the Dems spats are unpleasant, just wait until summer. Politics at its peak--the stakes of which are the highest in human history.

L.A. Times Columnist Has Communist Past

Robert Scheer, the ultraleftist columnist, grew up in the arms (or shall I say shackles) of thd Communist Party (his parents were members). I think for the sake of diversity, the L.A. Times should identify their token Communist. Or did he renounce it and bleed into the Trotskyites?

Most of us rubes don't know these things like those big city slicker publishers do.

Is it okay to be a Communist in America now? Yes? How come? Did the Communist Party change its ideal of destroying democracy? Did I miss the memo?

A Personal Note

I began a diet with last week. I chose this one because the program and food is a no-brainer. And when I'm around food, I have no brain.

Best of all, it's a low glycemic diet--the best of Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers. What's even better, all you have to do is order a month's worth of food and eat only that. Since I hate even being in the kitchen (I don't know why...I used to love to cook), this makes it easy, and less stress for me.

I promise not to mention my weight loss regularly. But you have to bear with me if I reach my goal! I've lost five pounds in one week. Feel great and working out regularly.

The website has a virtual model (you) before, during and after. Check it out:

Thanks for the read.
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