Friday, January 09, 2004
Mercy, A Gift. Nothing More? No Takeovers?
I'm in a pickle. I'm tossing around one of those "gray" (not black nor white) things in my brain: the ethos, then, the personal.
Yesterday, I blasted Pete Rose. Today, I'm feeling the same about his punishment, but after his appearances in the last day or so (I've seen three--shut up! I've been sick.), I feel great empathy for him.
His first contact with the media came off combatively. Last night, his interview with Chris Wallace was annoying because of his insincerity. I attributed his demeanor to postpotent testosterone syndrome, the hallmark of which is a quick spurt of guy juice, with a quick let down the next day.
Today, with O'Reilly, he's human, beaten, humiliated. It breaks all rules: the presence of Pete Rose. What a baseball player! Cincinnati loves him still to this day, and after this evening's interview, I can understand why. Where else do we get to watch a bad game plan pay out such as Rose's. Honestly, I think he thought he'd be forgiven by the ones who count. No, not his fans; the media and Baseball.
Tragically, we are watching the public unraveling of another sportshero. It is tragic because it is so avoidable--read, he had a choice.
I hope contemporary fathers will lose the "nonjudgement" baloney they learned in PS 103, and use our cultural stories as examples of how NOT to live your life. "Son, you just don't cheat. And if you're caught you'll go down in baseball history like the Black Sox. or Pete Rose. And even if no one finds out, you know, Son. You know you cheated.. Ohh, Son, that's a heck of a way to learn a lesson."
Kids look up to adults, whether we like it or not. I'm not sure, but I think Mr. Rose might be thinking about how he really looks, not about how he'll look in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
They Won't Even Read Their Own Press Clippings
I'm not a bona fide journalist, so I don't have to cite my source, but...the AP has quoted the President of Portugal as saying, "Clinton told me he was convinced that Iraq had WMDs," (sic). The meeting from which the alleged quote came occurred in October 2003.
If the antiwar twits would look outside their navels, they would find that they're taking their party off a high cliff, like the ones in Jane Eyre--the first one, the one with Joan Fontaine. Ooooh, I just loved that movie, didn't you? Olivier was a hottie. And the beautiful lighting. You know, when I was a little girl, I thought, well...nevermind.
I'm just guessing here, but I've wondered if they didn't have a secret suicide meeting wherein they decided they'd lay their socialist, multilateralist, extreme environmentalist and other doctrine out on the table for everyone to see, dammn the torpedos, full speed ahead. They're setting themselves up for PoliticalRelic.Org.
It's the war on terrorism, Stupid.
Thanks for the read.
Yesterday, I blasted Pete Rose. Today, I'm feeling the same about his punishment, but after his appearances in the last day or so (I've seen three--shut up! I've been sick.), I feel great empathy for him.
His first contact with the media came off combatively. Last night, his interview with Chris Wallace was annoying because of his insincerity. I attributed his demeanor to postpotent testosterone syndrome, the hallmark of which is a quick spurt of guy juice, with a quick let down the next day.
Today, with O'Reilly, he's human, beaten, humiliated. It breaks all rules: the presence of Pete Rose. What a baseball player! Cincinnati loves him still to this day, and after this evening's interview, I can understand why. Where else do we get to watch a bad game plan pay out such as Rose's. Honestly, I think he thought he'd be forgiven by the ones who count. No, not his fans; the media and Baseball.
Tragically, we are watching the public unraveling of another sportshero. It is tragic because it is so avoidable--read, he had a choice.
I hope contemporary fathers will lose the "nonjudgement" baloney they learned in PS 103, and use our cultural stories as examples of how NOT to live your life. "Son, you just don't cheat. And if you're caught you'll go down in baseball history like the Black Sox. or Pete Rose. And even if no one finds out, you know, Son. You know you cheated.. Ohh, Son, that's a heck of a way to learn a lesson."
Kids look up to adults, whether we like it or not. I'm not sure, but I think Mr. Rose might be thinking about how he really looks, not about how he'll look in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
They Won't Even Read Their Own Press Clippings
I'm not a bona fide journalist, so I don't have to cite my source, but...the AP has quoted the President of Portugal as saying, "Clinton told me he was convinced that Iraq had WMDs," (sic). The meeting from which the alleged quote came occurred in October 2003.
If the antiwar twits would look outside their navels, they would find that they're taking their party off a high cliff, like the ones in Jane Eyre--the first one, the one with Joan Fontaine. Ooooh, I just loved that movie, didn't you? Olivier was a hottie. And the beautiful lighting. You know, when I was a little girl, I thought, well...nevermind.
I'm just guessing here, but I've wondered if they didn't have a secret suicide meeting wherein they decided they'd lay their socialist, multilateralist, extreme environmentalist and other doctrine out on the table for everyone to see, dammn the torpedos, full speed ahead. They're setting themselves up for PoliticalRelic.Org.
It's the war on terrorism, Stupid.
Thanks for the read.