Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Clear the Decks, Batten Down the Hatches

This election year will be painful. It's already begun.

We've watched the Democrats assail the president and everything he stands for despite the billion dollar pledges to Africa to help with THEIR AIDS pandemic; he's been called an occupier and imperialist despite securing the freedom of some 50 million people (yes, real people) in Afghanistan and Iraq; he's rearranged the economy such that we've had major growth in all areas (yes, even jobs).

The president has shown his good will toward immigrant and illegal immigrant factions by trying to do something, anything, to ameliorate the huge problems we have with our borders. Does he get credit? No.

Moreover, our homeland has never been more secure, despite the cries of civil right abuses from the left. No credit, to be sure. The president seems to have worked himself out of a job.

He's lifted the military above its former level, regardless of noncompliant Congressional Dems' roadblock and dubious shows political support of our troops.

What else? You can name them, I'm sure.

The Fight of Senator Kerry's Life

Arrogance graduates to hubris when Senator Kerry rails against the only politician in the past thirteen years who's had the cajones to stand up to the dictators and tyrants of our time. Kerry calls him a fake. So, those flight logs and records showing the president was flying jet fighters were, what? Fake? At least he didn't throw someone else's service medals at the White House as Kerry did (his own medals hang on his senate office wall). Typical symbolism by the left signifying nothing.

Kerry tells us, along with other spiteful souls such as the occasionally sober Ted Kennedy and fatuous Al Gore that the president betrayed his country by taking it into a war of preemption. How can knocking off sworn enemies, new and old, be called betrayal? "He's sent our sons and daughters out to die for a preplanned war," these fools insist.

First of all, the Bush Doctrine is sound and logical in light of a terrorist-ridden world. Secondly, this baloney about our "sons and daughters" would be humerous if the argument didn't completely ignore the fact America now has a professional, voluntary armed forces. No one's being sent anywhere without their prior permission (signing up).

At every turn, this president has been assaulted by those who truly hate him and what America is--an America that everyone in the world seems to want to come to, by the way.

Hey, Senator Kerry, Psst. Over Here!

Got a newsflash for ya, Pal. Vietnam is not and was not Bush's war. Vietnam resulted in the same old tired problem the U.S. faces regularly: hyperpolitical Europeans leaving their colonial interests to their own devices, abandoning to the world another mess. France gave us Vietnam. Great Britain bungled the new Middle East. Want me to keep going? Indonesia? How about Korea? China, Russia?

I look forward to the day someone debates the record with Kerry. For instance, is it really okay for Senator Kerry to have enmeshed himself with the traitors of the sixties and seventies, e.g., Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, et al? These were and still are extreme leftists. They may have all had Botox and facelifts, but they're still the resolute, weathy anti-Americans they always were. Their packaging may have been updated, but their views still revolve around a hopelessly sick, neurotic and ego driven ideal about how to socially engineer their world to their liking and sensibilities.

Kerry's voting record shocks most people when they realize just how far gone the guy is. Look it up, if you want to. Kerry's so far over to the left, he's almost bounced to the far side of the right (other extremists).

Bette Davis Said It

Fasten your seatbelts, boys. We're in for a long, rough ride.

Now is not the time to feel crazed about the news. Remember that most of the folks paying attention right now are nothing more than political junkies like me. Our views won't change, likely, and they only precede the real fight to win the hearts and minds of reasonable people like you.

So, the president's appearance on Meet The Press didn't satisfy the medialogues. Big deal. Remember, Reagan was down in the polls about this time in his re-election history.

It'll be all right. Just hang it there. And the next clown that tells you he hates Bush, ask him why. When he inevitably responds with something stupid like, "this is a oil man's war," or "he invaded Iraq to fix his Father's honor," laugh out loud. Then give him facts. Of course, this is about oil. You drive cars, don't you? But it is also about democracy and freedom's only beachhead in that horrible cauldron of hatred and fanaticism. Bush One's honor? Prove it.

As I said, this will be a tough year, but we have to go through it.

Thanks for the read.

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