Wednesday, February 04, 2004


Democrats Don't Seem Worried About Terrorism

Watching the primary results, I'm puzzled why the Dems ignore the terrorism issue.

I'm also wondering if Americans are ignoring the danger.

A deathstar covered nipple at half time seems much more important. Then there are the many felony trials of other celebrities, trips to Iraq by a movie actor, famous for Jerry Lewis impression in I Am Sam, who had to see how things "really" were. Don't forget the statement by a silly fat man from Michigan that the president is a deserter. The list of famous names screaming they'll take America back is as long as my list of ingredients for Grandma's fruitcake.. A Hate Bush rally at the Beverly Hilton put on by the wife of the most negative pen ever taken to paper made top news; and Hwood power couples have thrown their support behind the anti Bush movement.

Celebrity. Why in the world would someone with any substance or conviction listen to people whose only known talents are acting or singing or producing? Why would you and I even take the time to read their news stories? Most of these people haven't even graduated from high school. How could we be so entranced by their views?

The Joke's On Us

Along with their notorious stupidity (Shakespeare alludes to their limited aptitude and intelligence), actors are also infamous for going off the deep end. John Wilkes Booth wasn't exactly the most balanced individual who ever trod the boards. Jane Fonda, the privileged child of a great actor, betrayed her country in Vietnam. Many others decided they too had the mental horsepower to take on the grand issues of our time, only to be later shown as lightweights.

Jane Fonda caused irreparable damage to this country and to our men and women in Vietnam. John Booth, a domestic terrorist, killed President Lincoln, leaving the country in shock and dismay. The actions of these and other malcontented artists are nothing more than ego massaging exercises displaying deep insecurities underneath. Their actions scream, "Look at me." Unfortunately, their egos have cost lives. Those selfish, egocentric punchinellos whose guilt is assuaged by time and, yes, celebrity. By the way, yes I am equating Jane Fonda with John Wilkes Booth. Her ridiculous trip to Hanoi prolonged that war.

Terrorists realize words have consequences. What these neurotics stars don't seem to get, nor did the anti war people in Vietnam, their words, actions, protests and harrangues have consequences to the people in the fight for their livesin Iraq, Afghanistan, in the streets of New York, the docks in Miami, Seattle and Oakland, even the baggage handlers in the basements of our airports.

You Have To Ask Why

Good people can disagree, I guess. But, after so much evidence of terrorism throughout the world, and now on our shores, I have to wonder what's behind all the protests.

Why would anyone in his right mind not be fearful of the terrorist promise to destroy America and everything it stands for--abroad and at home?

A strong sense of self-preservation should be enough to pulls us together. Alas, denial seems to replace it. Denial and stupidity. Our celebrities are just too dumb to know any better. Instead of using their talent and exposure to help Americans be prepared, they flaunt their dubious lifestyles in front of our kids, pull the rug out from under parents and complain about America's imperialistic wars.

I'm just glad the president understands that his role is to protect me and my family at all costs. That is his constitutional duty and contractually, he's bound to it. Be thankful. When it comes to contracts, Democrats, as you'll recall, usually decide to comply only if we all know what the meaning of "is" is.

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