Sunday, February 01, 2004


The Tragedy of Misinformation

If there was ever a time for straight thinking, it is now.

The media's fixation on WMDs is liable to disrupt the important work being done in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as our domestic War on Terror. Regardless of the final disposition of the argument--are there or are there not WMDs--the fact remains the U.S. and its partners have developed the momentum to break the back of terror at home and abroad.

U.N. Resolution 1441, a follow up of twelve or thirteen resolutions stating over and over again that Saddam Hussein and his treacherous regime was in violation of the peace fire agreement of the Gulf War. Everyone knew and agreed what the material facts contained, i.e., WMDs and nuclear capability remained in the hands of Iraq which presented problems for not only the middle east but also the rest of the world.

No one disagrees with that fact.

Now the U.S. must content with a nitpicking group of elite world mediasts and propagandists who insist the U.S. invaded Iraq illegally. As with every lie, it seems the more often it is told the more it is believed.

What a tragedy it would be to let this monumental victory go away, short of the huge accomplishments left in the middle east. What a tragedy to allow the one world view Europeans and their supporters to somehow win this stupid argument.

Thanks for the read.

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