Monday, February 02, 2004
What's Next? Mating Rituals Among the Amazon Aborigines?
Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, a couple of graceless, obnoxious young people are not only out of line and over the top with their blatantly sexual lyrics, they are participating in a burlesque of sad consequences. Plus they are liars. But then, why would anyone expect anything different? Timberlake, someone only the parents of preteen girls and the preteens themselves know, told a whopper when he said in a press release that the costume malfunctioned.
Malfunctioned? Why not use NASA language, you imbecile, since the folks in Houston were memorializing all things NASA? How about, the suit failed?
Obviously nothing failed, except CBS's gatekeepers. The MTV show, from the network every parent in the western world should fear, belonged on the Las Vegas Strip, not the half time at the Super Bowl.
The baring of Jackson's pastie-covered breast was outrageous because it played to and titilated young boys who watch football games. When some hedonistic twit from lala land tells us "it's just entertainment," I want to throw things. Considering Jackson's pedophilliac brother's background, she doesn't go far to get her lack of taste and morality.
As an aside, I thought Jackson's costume looked like it came out of the Planet of the Apes wardrobe department. Fitting, I suppose. Both these people acted like apes.
If I were a teenager's parent, I'd need to talk with little Johnnie and Mary about how those people are not like us. Then I'd get their butts to church. It seems church is the only safe place from this assault on our sensibilities. It's nuts, absolutely nuts.
But then, what else would we expect?
The next question is what the NFL planning to do about all this. Perhaps a few million letters from outraged parents of future ballplayers would help.
Bush Must Have Hearings, I Suppose
As much as I hate to kowtow to the anti war people, the feeling is strong that President Bush needs to clear the decks with a panel of knowitalls to see what happened with our "intelligence."
I suggest this newest blue ribbon panel start with the Clinton Administration's naive contention that human intelligence is icky (and they hated icky). They saw too many dead people, I guess, and decided we didn't need to snoop.
To date, no one has answered this very important challenge: if Saddam Hussein did not have WMDs, why then did he not allow the inspection teams in and spare himself and his country the horror of war? It makes no sense.
Enough. This is the abolsute last time I'll bring up the WMD question. I've had it with this innane discussion. It didn't matter before we went to war, and it doesn't matter now.
Staying Safe in an Unsafe World
The first step is keeping those elected officials in office who honestly fear the gathering storm of terrorism. We cannot remove the president and his four horsemen (Rummy, Powell, Ashcroft and Cheney) from their self-declared number one constitutional task: keeping me and my family safe from attack.
Shifting or changing leadership in the midst of this world war is risky. Can you imagine someone like John Kerry, the guy who threw his Vietnam medals away in a vainglorious attention getter, or Howard Dean, the egomaniac from somewhere in Vermont who cannot control his temper nor handle a small 41 million dollar campaign budget (he's down to 5 mill now, having spent it all on those idiotic children running his campaign office)? The other Dems in the race don't have a chance, so I won't mention them.
I pray for the WMDs to be found. Yes, I do. I also pray that these terrorists do no further harm to our country. It's a big request, isn't it? But, I've prayed for bigger things.
Thanks for the read.
Malfunctioned? Why not use NASA language, you imbecile, since the folks in Houston were memorializing all things NASA? How about, the suit failed?
Obviously nothing failed, except CBS's gatekeepers. The MTV show, from the network every parent in the western world should fear, belonged on the Las Vegas Strip, not the half time at the Super Bowl.
The baring of Jackson's pastie-covered breast was outrageous because it played to and titilated young boys who watch football games. When some hedonistic twit from lala land tells us "it's just entertainment," I want to throw things. Considering Jackson's pedophilliac brother's background, she doesn't go far to get her lack of taste and morality.
As an aside, I thought Jackson's costume looked like it came out of the Planet of the Apes wardrobe department. Fitting, I suppose. Both these people acted like apes.
If I were a teenager's parent, I'd need to talk with little Johnnie and Mary about how those people are not like us. Then I'd get their butts to church. It seems church is the only safe place from this assault on our sensibilities. It's nuts, absolutely nuts.
But then, what else would we expect?
The next question is what the NFL planning to do about all this. Perhaps a few million letters from outraged parents of future ballplayers would help.
Bush Must Have Hearings, I Suppose
As much as I hate to kowtow to the anti war people, the feeling is strong that President Bush needs to clear the decks with a panel of knowitalls to see what happened with our "intelligence."
I suggest this newest blue ribbon panel start with the Clinton Administration's naive contention that human intelligence is icky (and they hated icky). They saw too many dead people, I guess, and decided we didn't need to snoop.
To date, no one has answered this very important challenge: if Saddam Hussein did not have WMDs, why then did he not allow the inspection teams in and spare himself and his country the horror of war? It makes no sense.
Enough. This is the abolsute last time I'll bring up the WMD question. I've had it with this innane discussion. It didn't matter before we went to war, and it doesn't matter now.
Staying Safe in an Unsafe World
The first step is keeping those elected officials in office who honestly fear the gathering storm of terrorism. We cannot remove the president and his four horsemen (Rummy, Powell, Ashcroft and Cheney) from their self-declared number one constitutional task: keeping me and my family safe from attack.
Shifting or changing leadership in the midst of this world war is risky. Can you imagine someone like John Kerry, the guy who threw his Vietnam medals away in a vainglorious attention getter, or Howard Dean, the egomaniac from somewhere in Vermont who cannot control his temper nor handle a small 41 million dollar campaign budget (he's down to 5 mill now, having spent it all on those idiotic children running his campaign office)? The other Dems in the race don't have a chance, so I won't mention them.
I pray for the WMDs to be found. Yes, I do. I also pray that these terrorists do no further harm to our country. It's a big request, isn't it? But, I've prayed for bigger things.
Thanks for the read.