Monday, April 12, 2004
John Kerry's Fizzle
Has anyone else noticed Senator Kerry has been page two and three, sometime page 14 these days? Wonder why?
Kerry's Over
It just took a cycle of slam dunk political maneuvers by the Bush Pros, and a return of Karen Hughes to give this Kerry guy a real slap across the face.
And they really haven't started. Wait until August, September. Oh, then there's the October surprise. See why I just love politics? The fun never stops in this game.
The War
We've lost a lot of people from Pendleton this last week. Call the Pendleton press office if you want to know how to help. They'll refer you.
I can only say one more time that this is the most important task ahead of America. We must win in Iraq.
The oil problem seems to be getting worse. I think the OPECs believe that by withholding oil, it will make the Bush administration look worse, thus, relieving them of the President's influence in the region. may be time to open up those capped wells all over continental U.S., and start ANWAR work. Either that or buy hybrid cars.
I had to laugh at a bumper sticker I saw yesterday in Dana Point at the beach. NO WAR FOR OIL. No matter this was affixed to a combustion engine car. Later I saw it belonged to a surfer dude and thought about the many young people overseas who would love to be surfing in the Pacific this Easter Sunday while this little twit is philosophizing and playin in the sea.
What a country.
Meanwhile, the Marines and other services are acting magnificently in the defense of a very difficult nation.
I'm still praying for WMDs to be found.
Thanks for the read.
Kerry's Over
It just took a cycle of slam dunk political maneuvers by the Bush Pros, and a return of Karen Hughes to give this Kerry guy a real slap across the face.
And they really haven't started. Wait until August, September. Oh, then there's the October surprise. See why I just love politics? The fun never stops in this game.
The War
We've lost a lot of people from Pendleton this last week. Call the Pendleton press office if you want to know how to help. They'll refer you.
I can only say one more time that this is the most important task ahead of America. We must win in Iraq.
The oil problem seems to be getting worse. I think the OPECs believe that by withholding oil, it will make the Bush administration look worse, thus, relieving them of the President's influence in the region. may be time to open up those capped wells all over continental U.S., and start ANWAR work. Either that or buy hybrid cars.
I had to laugh at a bumper sticker I saw yesterday in Dana Point at the beach. NO WAR FOR OIL. No matter this was affixed to a combustion engine car. Later I saw it belonged to a surfer dude and thought about the many young people overseas who would love to be surfing in the Pacific this Easter Sunday while this little twit is philosophizing and playin in the sea.
What a country.
Meanwhile, the Marines and other services are acting magnificently in the defense of a very difficult nation.
I'm still praying for WMDs to be found.
Thanks for the read.