Friday, July 16, 2004


Girls Love Miller; Most Guys Don't

...and that's perfectly okay. He grows on you.
The Monday Night Football Debacle
Well, not a debacle, per se. But you gotta admit the pregnant silences among the three announcers made it clear guys don't get it, cuz they're dumb. Period. Miller's not.
Nobody's Perfect
Try to grab a night run of Dennis Miller. It looks like CNBC is trying to act classy and finally gave Dennis a budget he can work with.  Having watched him since his first show, the money and investment from the uppers shows. The writing is much better as well. And Miller gets to be the guy we all have turned into, regardless of the past. We've grown up.
Anyway, we like Dennis because his fearless advance in the joke department tells us he has great courage. And no sense.
Actually, if you want to be a part of the "in" crowd these days, e.g., young, metropolitan republicans-in-waiting (waiting till they run the company), Miller's' hipness keeps them watching and growing. After all, he was part of SNL. And they're cool.
When they grow up, like me, they realize that coolness is as coolness does. Miller loves this country and is not ashamed to tell us. Metaphorically, he is the master. Don't give him a history book; the similes will go on like that 11:45 Sunday sermon.
Give him a try. I think he's great.
It's All in the Numbers
Things are better...we're up five points. People are getting it.
Thanks for the read.

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