Friday, July 09, 2004
Hide Your Babies. Here Come the Democrats
Radio City Music Hall should have offered earplugs for you Dems who think your party is still YOUR party.
You've Been Had
If I thought for one moment that any of my Democrat friends approved of the behavior displayed at the fund raiser for Kerry-Edwards last evening, I doubt we'd be friends. If you do approve of these antics, that tells me you think I'm an idiot. My friends don't call me an idiot and a liar.
In fact, I'll bet almost every dollar I have that even my mother-in-law, age 84, and a life-long Dem would have been embarrassed to listen to Whoopi Goldberg's inane, dirty jokes. Embarrassed enough to let the Dems know how she feels? No, never. She'll vote for them, anyway. By the way, it is that myopia that weakens not only the Dem Party, but the country as well. If they're wrong, call it! Don't put up with it. Rebuild. Oh well, anyway...
Goldberg, the ex-welfare mother whose filthy mouth got her where she is, continued to throw invective and innuendo at the Republicans and the President. Her swearing and sexual connotations about female genitalia and the President got huge laughs from everyone, including the candidates. I wonder if the Edwards kiddies were at the sitter's. Nevermind, they can watch it tomorrow on tape.
Of course, the coarseness and hate didn't cease until every last egomaniacal entertainer made sure he got his vituperative licks off to the crazed, drunk crowd. The usual suspects, these who have brains the size of raw oysters, came off looking like the pots calling the kettle black, i.e., the president's stupid. Chevy Chase said the President is as bright as an egg-timer, on and on.
With so much emotional and doubtless monetary investment, it will be interesting to see what happens if they lose. Will they kill us all? Perform seditious acts against the government? What will they do when they're mad?
You scoff. Well, the mood at Radio City wasn't exactly tame. This mob stuff scares the hell out of me. This incitement to excitement may not be a good sign.
We Represent These Values, Kerry Screams
When the ecstatic John Kerry stood before the crowd following this terrible display of disrespect for other people who dared to disagree with the Dems, he announced, solemnly, "These are our values. And we will represent the people who have them." Or something stupid, like that.
Values. The kinds held by say, Michael Moore, Al Franken? Fill in the blank, folks. I'm too tired.
Dick Cheney, by the way, is an embarassment. He couldn't have lost his temper at a worse time. I'm chagrined and frustrated that he couldn't control his rhetoric on the floor of the senate. Cheney's gaffe is not acceptable, He should have apologized.
Being a Democrat is Never Having to Say You're Sorry
Considering the news of the past couple of weeks having to do with the evidence of WMDs and nuclear material in Iraq, it's interesting that not only do the bicoastal Timeses and W. Post decline to say they're wrong about the president's reasons for war, the Dems continue to call the president a liar.
The latest complaint I have about the Democrat Party (please note: I've used "Democrat," not "Democratic" Party): when they are wrong they refuse to say so. When they are really wrong, they won't even own up to it.
And when they are really, really wrong, they dig in their heels like little children and use fibs and half truths to justify their actions.
Republicans Aren't Perfect
I left the Republican Party after Richard Nixon decimated us. I hated him for what he did to my idealism and hope. I hated him for deciding to continue that horrible war in Vietnam until Saigon fell. Moreover, I thought Kissinger was (still is) a war criminal. I absolutely loathed Nixon's demeanor and his shifty, nervous eyes as he tried to be one of the "Washington guys." He embarassed the hell out of me. I was always a Reagan fan, but I obviously voted for Nixon...twice.
I detested Haldeman and Erlichman, those freaks who took my party and country into the mire of dreadful politics. There was no need. There was no need.
I was a young Republican woman, one child, a successful husband. I watched from afar when the events of the late sixties took place. I can remember where I was when RFK was killed. I recall the day MLK was killed, and remember shaking his hand when I was a kid in Kansas City.
Well, the sixties were painful for almost everyone. And the seventies were unbearable, because society had opened Pandora's Box. Those of us who had been the "good" kids had become resentful of our looser brethern. We felt we had either missed something, or were being laughed at, or worse, discovered that all we thought was important wasn't. It just wasn't. We were the part of the "moral majority," squares who could go "**&" themselves, and preferably, others. Why should those people have all the fun? (Good Lord, we didn't even use the F-word!)
Another dreadful part of being outside the hippie/sixties/seventies/hip in-crowd was they thought we were stupid. Not very deep nor bright. After all, we weren't on campuses and we had sold out. What BS.
So, I know what it's like to leave the party you love. It hurts, and it's life changing. Lost idealism is replaced with cynicism and regret. Everything we did and stood for was slipping away, and some idiot in the White House had already given up the moral high ground, so that the path to the bottom (for me) was fast.
Many of us gave in to the idea that divorce was okay. That parallel custody was the right answer for our kids, an outrage that our grown children still pay for today. We women went to work. Our kids were farmed out. The ugly women of the earth took over for a while, nearly destroying the very foundation of our country, its families.
The Sins of the Fathers (and Mothers)
I came back to the party in the early nineties. However, I didn't do it easily. Before that, I had registered as an Independent. (I hold myself personally responsible for the Clinton victory because I worked so hard for Perot. What a twit I was.)
So, here we are today. More mature, with more understanding of what happens when the house's foundation falls apart, that is what happened to us Republicans in the years of Nixon. It's now happening to the Dems. You're falling apart. You've lost your way!
America Needs Two Parties
My words probably won't come off as sincere because the beholder is now so cynical, he can only filter them through politic's sieve. And very few people read my words. I know that.
But, maybe someday, one of my Democratic friends who has read this will think about what I've shared. And maybe they'll share it as well with another Dem. Maybe someday, people will say "enough."
Remember the Daisy and the Mushroom Cloud
The hate Republican ideal started with LBJ's decision to use the imagery of a nuclear war as the backdrop to a little girl pulling petals off a daisy. It's been downhill from there.
We can have discussion and disagreement. But why, why must it be so hateful?
Can we now call it a draw?
Thanks for the read.
You've Been Had
If I thought for one moment that any of my Democrat friends approved of the behavior displayed at the fund raiser for Kerry-Edwards last evening, I doubt we'd be friends. If you do approve of these antics, that tells me you think I'm an idiot. My friends don't call me an idiot and a liar.
In fact, I'll bet almost every dollar I have that even my mother-in-law, age 84, and a life-long Dem would have been embarrassed to listen to Whoopi Goldberg's inane, dirty jokes. Embarrassed enough to let the Dems know how she feels? No, never. She'll vote for them, anyway. By the way, it is that myopia that weakens not only the Dem Party, but the country as well. If they're wrong, call it! Don't put up with it. Rebuild. Oh well, anyway...
Goldberg, the ex-welfare mother whose filthy mouth got her where she is, continued to throw invective and innuendo at the Republicans and the President. Her swearing and sexual connotations about female genitalia and the President got huge laughs from everyone, including the candidates. I wonder if the Edwards kiddies were at the sitter's. Nevermind, they can watch it tomorrow on tape.
Of course, the coarseness and hate didn't cease until every last egomaniacal entertainer made sure he got his vituperative licks off to the crazed, drunk crowd. The usual suspects, these who have brains the size of raw oysters, came off looking like the pots calling the kettle black, i.e., the president's stupid. Chevy Chase said the President is as bright as an egg-timer, on and on.
With so much emotional and doubtless monetary investment, it will be interesting to see what happens if they lose. Will they kill us all? Perform seditious acts against the government? What will they do when they're mad?
You scoff. Well, the mood at Radio City wasn't exactly tame. This mob stuff scares the hell out of me. This incitement to excitement may not be a good sign.
We Represent These Values, Kerry Screams
When the ecstatic John Kerry stood before the crowd following this terrible display of disrespect for other people who dared to disagree with the Dems, he announced, solemnly, "These are our values. And we will represent the people who have them." Or something stupid, like that.
Values. The kinds held by say, Michael Moore, Al Franken? Fill in the blank, folks. I'm too tired.
Dick Cheney, by the way, is an embarassment. He couldn't have lost his temper at a worse time. I'm chagrined and frustrated that he couldn't control his rhetoric on the floor of the senate. Cheney's gaffe is not acceptable, He should have apologized.
Being a Democrat is Never Having to Say You're Sorry
Considering the news of the past couple of weeks having to do with the evidence of WMDs and nuclear material in Iraq, it's interesting that not only do the bicoastal Timeses and W. Post decline to say they're wrong about the president's reasons for war, the Dems continue to call the president a liar.
The latest complaint I have about the Democrat Party (please note: I've used "Democrat," not "Democratic" Party): when they are wrong they refuse to say so. When they are really wrong, they won't even own up to it.
And when they are really, really wrong, they dig in their heels like little children and use fibs and half truths to justify their actions.
Republicans Aren't Perfect
I left the Republican Party after Richard Nixon decimated us. I hated him for what he did to my idealism and hope. I hated him for deciding to continue that horrible war in Vietnam until Saigon fell. Moreover, I thought Kissinger was (still is) a war criminal. I absolutely loathed Nixon's demeanor and his shifty, nervous eyes as he tried to be one of the "Washington guys." He embarassed the hell out of me. I was always a Reagan fan, but I obviously voted for Nixon...twice.
I detested Haldeman and Erlichman, those freaks who took my party and country into the mire of dreadful politics. There was no need. There was no need.
I was a young Republican woman, one child, a successful husband. I watched from afar when the events of the late sixties took place. I can remember where I was when RFK was killed. I recall the day MLK was killed, and remember shaking his hand when I was a kid in Kansas City.
Well, the sixties were painful for almost everyone. And the seventies were unbearable, because society had opened Pandora's Box. Those of us who had been the "good" kids had become resentful of our looser brethern. We felt we had either missed something, or were being laughed at, or worse, discovered that all we thought was important wasn't. It just wasn't. We were the part of the "moral majority," squares who could go "**&" themselves, and preferably, others. Why should those people have all the fun? (Good Lord, we didn't even use the F-word!)
Another dreadful part of being outside the hippie/sixties/seventies/hip in-crowd was they thought we were stupid. Not very deep nor bright. After all, we weren't on campuses and we had sold out. What BS.
So, I know what it's like to leave the party you love. It hurts, and it's life changing. Lost idealism is replaced with cynicism and regret. Everything we did and stood for was slipping away, and some idiot in the White House had already given up the moral high ground, so that the path to the bottom (for me) was fast.
Many of us gave in to the idea that divorce was okay. That parallel custody was the right answer for our kids, an outrage that our grown children still pay for today. We women went to work. Our kids were farmed out. The ugly women of the earth took over for a while, nearly destroying the very foundation of our country, its families.
The Sins of the Fathers (and Mothers)
I came back to the party in the early nineties. However, I didn't do it easily. Before that, I had registered as an Independent. (I hold myself personally responsible for the Clinton victory because I worked so hard for Perot. What a twit I was.)
So, here we are today. More mature, with more understanding of what happens when the house's foundation falls apart, that is what happened to us Republicans in the years of Nixon. It's now happening to the Dems. You're falling apart. You've lost your way!
America Needs Two Parties
My words probably won't come off as sincere because the beholder is now so cynical, he can only filter them through politic's sieve. And very few people read my words. I know that.
But, maybe someday, one of my Democratic friends who has read this will think about what I've shared. And maybe they'll share it as well with another Dem. Maybe someday, people will say "enough."
Remember the Daisy and the Mushroom Cloud
The hate Republican ideal started with LBJ's decision to use the imagery of a nuclear war as the backdrop to a little girl pulling petals off a daisy. It's been downhill from there.
We can have discussion and disagreement. But why, why must it be so hateful?
Can we now call it a draw?
Thanks for the read.