Wednesday, October 13, 2004


The Anti-War Movement's Heartlessness

I've found myself reliving those awful years when my brother and friends of mine were in Vietnam. It reminds me of the time I wore a POW's bracelet for longer than I should have, thanks to people like John Kerry.

Let's Fight Vietnam Again, Shall We?

Noteworthy is the attitude today posed by John Kerry's surrogates with respect to Kerry's antiwar activities. Their strident defense of their behavior reminds me of why I felt so angry those years. These selfish, self-important and heartless protestors refuse to acknowledge that visits from Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden to the Hanoi Hilton were wrong. Moreover, they consider their actions patriotic, to hell with POWs. Just to hell with em.

If you are wondering why this election is so disheartening, and if you are young, I urge you to understand that this is just as it was. The arguments are exactly the same. What's more telling is the antiwar people include the same ones who made our lives miserable with their ridiculous ranting and raving. They have not grown up.

We had one of them in the White House already--Bill Clinton.

By the way, the difference is the War in Iraq is the War on Terror. That's never been out of my mind.

Beg, Borrow or Buy "Stolen Honor"

I ordered the tape from . I hope all of you look for it. You'll see for yourself the kind of cold, calculating, ego-driven rhetoric that prolonged the war. You can watch it online.

The surrealness of this campaign season contributes to our own fear, probably of the unknown. I pray Bush lets go the real dogs of war, so this doesn't continue. If he doesn't let the military handle this, he may get himself into another Vietnam.

Thanks for the read.

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