Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Kerry's Hail Mary

It's fourth down, the ball's on the Democrat's 25 yard line. Kerry, a rookie with only four months combat experience and disabled list occupant, drops back to pass. His receivers, Dan Rather, the NY Times, and Michael Moore stall deep into the end zone, hands held toward heaven.

Kerry Witnesses How H. and B. Clintonistas Play Another Kind of Ball

I gotta hand it to the Clinton people. Embedding the old Clinton surrogates into visible positions with the Kerry people was a great move. Nothing like doing a Hamlet-like maneuver to give yourself time. "It's a beautiful thing," says Howard Wolfson, flipping through his post graduate political science syllabus from 1992.

The play worked. Joe Lockhart, the ex-Clinton press secretary, has taken the losers in the old campaign (Cahill? Who else? They've disappeared!) down the primrose path. Kerry fell headward into the trap of "bad" intelligence. Hmmmm. Bad intelligence. Hmmmmm.

Meanwhile, the febrile Kerry insists the president is responsible for the end of the world, as we know it.

Oh, by the way. The Bill Clinton experience in Philadelphia? Very effective.

Now go lie down, Bill.

Running Commentary

I'm shifting into daily, maybe sometimes an hourly election mode. I've decided that even if people don't read my columns, there's still a captive audience within my literate family. (The illiterate ones will enjoy the pictures.) Kin and friends sure are great support.

Maybe my words will be repeated on 23rd century History Channel's special on primitive peoples of the 21st Century. How droll. I think I'm taking myself too seriously.

So, check back periodically on the Planet!


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