Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Let's Fight Vietnam Again, Part Two

You can support the military without supporting the war. Anonymous

"Oh, no, my dear," as my Vietnam Vet friend said one day to a young woman at as she regaled us with the newfound worldly wisdom of a twenty-year old prophet. "such a thing is impossible."

It Started With JFK

We young Republicans had a problem with public relations. Back then. We were the stable children, usually of Republican or Independent voters, that carried on the family culture. Others were struggling lower-to-middle class first generation college grads who left the third world ideals of their origins and moved into the power classes. How refreshing.

We were taxpayers, earners, parents, caretakers of our parents, and as the "late" Marilyn Quayle iterated, "we weren't out protesting wars." Or something like that. Like I said, we had a pr problem.

Damned Debates

Let's face it. Getting the make up right for Richard Nixon was impossible. He was the most unphotogenic man, with an awkward carriage, literal perceptions of humor, and the kid who just didn't fit it. Nevertheless, he was a policy ace, knew Communism better than Lenin, and made huge advances including the EPA. By the way, many conservatives at the time, thought environmental issues were silly. Thank God for funerals.

Anyway, the Republicans' opposition was JFK, excuse me, St. JFK; and my choice is Richard Nixon? A person had to be very self-possessed to be a young Republican.

Second Point

Then, as luck had it, the Vietnam War mucked up politics. Lyndon Johnson couldn't fight the all-out war he wanted (the press was KILLING him), there were millions of protestors in the streets and the public was sick of everything. When Nixon won, everyone hoped for a win in Vietnam, but finally admitted, practicably, there was no support for anything short of an "honorable" exit.

A siege mentality took over the White House. I remember wondering why this man could not engage the press without his bitter personality. I realized, of course, he was who he was. Regardless. I secretly detested him.

Okay. I voted for him. I'd support him. Nevermind, I thought that Kissinger's protracted champagne days in Paris were running a bit long. He said peace with honor. I figured that in civilizations people must sacrifice if anything meant anything. Sadly, it was our POWs who truly sacrificed.

I continued to wear the POW bracelet, John McCain's, for another few years. I threw it out when John was released. For those of you who don't know, a veteran's group asked people to wear these ugly bracelets with the prisoner's name on it until he was released. I was honored.

Back to this pr problem. There were two distinct groups of young twenties then. Some, like me, were called "White Glove Girls." I was one of those who wore gorgeous leather gloves that...oh, you'd love wrist bone just so. Yeah. I was that. I looked like Doris Day.

Two years later, the mores hit the fan, and voila. We have a completely out-of-control bunch of people who believe they know how to do life better than anyone else.

Time marches on, they do stupid things and Nixon pulls his stunts.

Then. I Changed

The anti-war movement was unrelenting. Every other specious cultural or social justice argument was thrown into the same pile of gripes. All we Republicans could do was wear a bag over our heads, or leave the party.

I chose to leave the party.

Deja Vu

I'm afraid that these volatile politics will bring forth a reactionary and slim majority that will fail to secure our nation from terrorism, foreign and domestic, and that a President Kerry will succumb to the reality that was Chamberlain's.

Vietnam All Over Again?

Vietnam was about France's usual failure among its colonies. We picked up the slack, thanks to JFK, LBJ and the folks who thought the U.S.'s self interest was paramount, given the applicaiton of the Domino Theory.

I happen to believe that as well. A lot of people did. The current redux of protestors love to talk about how the war turned out as they predicted.

The war actually turned out as I predicted. At the fall of Saigon, thousands and thousands of people from the south risked everything to leave, or hide, some just died. Most were suddenly under the thumb of a big- time Communist, the protege of Chairman Mao, Ho Chi Min.

Cambodia's Kymer Rouge had their killing fields, and the Domino Theory checked out. The lesson wasn't a new one.

I'll Fight, This Time I'll Win

Our war now is one of self-preservation. Never can we step away from the goal of removing states who support and harbor terrorists. If the antiwar people can't face that fact, many of whom are simply misinformed or in denial, we will simple continue the tired, endless back and forth that the enemy can't get enough of. Sure hope we wise up.

Thanks for the read.

Thank you for your response. I truly appreciate it.

I wish I could tell you how little there is to the idea that "our kids" are out there fighting these wars for oil.

I honestly believe what you say, Sir or Madam, is sincere. And of course, your kids are the most important aspect of your life. However, the fact of the matter is we now have a voluntary army. If you believe that these children are being had, then I suggest you change the law of majority.

Look. Please, friend, There's no need to attack me. All I am trying to get folks to understand is the world has been down this road before. I'm simply asking you to look at the alternative.

If not this war now, then when? If not in Iraq, then where? Andrea Hall, March 19, 2003

It really comes down to this: you believe that the terrorists are simply a nuisance and should be handled in a legalistic way;


you understand that if you don't stop these Islamists who are bound to take your head to the next camp meeting, your culture will fall.

It happens all the time, Even to the good ole U.S.A.

I'm sorry if I offended you. Thanks again, I really enjoy hearing from you. :)

With respect,Andrea
A war mongering bitch is just that. Go fight it yourself. And yes we are fighting for oil. We need tohave two countries. One for you and the other for the rest of us. Don't bother me again
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