Saturday, October 30, 2004
Time for Reality Check
President Bush answered Bin Laden while on the the campaign trail.
Presidential Address
I'd love to see the prez use his bully pulpit at this extreme time in history. Osama Bin Laden needs to have a presidential seal placed upon his barbarian-style face, such that the imprint should be shown in deep relief, courtesy of Al Jazeera. That arrogant SOB.
The enemy has never been weaker; we'd not have had the video message from Bin Laden; it would have come via bomblink or plane crashes into major places.
Kerry Says: They're Barbarians and We Will Hunt Them Down, No Matter Where
Uhhhh. Pssst. John. Yeah, me. Over here, big boy.
That's what the Bush administration is DOING.
Oh! You meant the Republican Party!?
Cronkite (Crank-case) Says Bin Laden Tape is Rove's Dirty Deed
Hey, Karl, Baby. Dude. Sweet. Good Job. Dude.
Actually, I think we're still not through. Remember, Hillary doesn't want John Kerry to be president. Noooo. She wants to run next term. So. Here's what I think will be the October surprise.
Internal warfare breaks out soon within Kerry campaign. Clintons call in old chips; coup d 'etat occurs in party hq. Ah, they come together to rebuild so the Clinton can regain power.
It's always the power.
Thanks for the read.
Presidential Address
I'd love to see the prez use his bully pulpit at this extreme time in history. Osama Bin Laden needs to have a presidential seal placed upon his barbarian-style face, such that the imprint should be shown in deep relief, courtesy of Al Jazeera. That arrogant SOB.
The enemy has never been weaker; we'd not have had the video message from Bin Laden; it would have come via bomblink or plane crashes into major places.
Kerry Says: They're Barbarians and We Will Hunt Them Down, No Matter Where
Uhhhh. Pssst. John. Yeah, me. Over here, big boy.
That's what the Bush administration is DOING.
Oh! You meant the Republican Party!?
Cronkite (Crank-case) Says Bin Laden Tape is Rove's Dirty Deed
Hey, Karl, Baby. Dude. Sweet. Good Job. Dude.
Actually, I think we're still not through. Remember, Hillary doesn't want John Kerry to be president. Noooo. She wants to run next term. So. Here's what I think will be the October surprise.
Internal warfare breaks out soon within Kerry campaign. Clintons call in old chips; coup d 'etat occurs in party hq. Ah, they come together to rebuild so the Clinton can regain power.
It's always the power.
Thanks for the read.