Wednesday, October 29, 2003
What's a perfect storm?
Anyone who performs life threatening tasks such as blue water sailing or parenting understands the analogy. A lot like Murphy's Law, a perfect storm is described as everything that can go wrong does. If something happened to cause you to say disgustedly, "Oh, great. That's just great," you've just gone through a perfect storm.
We inhabitants of Planet Earth can now say we are experiencing several perfect storms together. Here are some.
The Iraq War: Not only are there Iraqi insurgents causing unbelievable frustration and death to the Coalition and Iraqis, we're bashed over and over again by our own Democrat prez candidates. The rest of the world chimes in. The perfection is manifested in the chaos caused on the world's political stage.
The Middle East War: Israel won't sit still anymore while Hammas kills their people, so they built a wall. Young Palestinians are crazed enough to kill themselves and others in their suicide/homicide attacks. This is perfection in that nothing can be done to stop these terrorists as long as Hammas is in business. Then there's Arafat, this old fool who has prolonged these horrible attacks by just "being there." Great, that's just great.
The Media: Can you remember a time when sexuality was so brazenly presented as it was this last summer? And the coarse language used as the primary communication device between young people, those heartless, mean ones who are quite ignorant, thanks to the perfect storm of teachers not teaching and parents not parenting. No one can state we've done our best here. Isn't it just perfect that Eminem makes zillions while our children are affected by his hatred and negativity? Or Madonna says she shields her little ones from the sexuality on TV. Puleeze.
The lack of respect for CBS to tell a bogus story about Ronald Reagan (while the man is still alive!) strikes me as an "in your face" kind of propaganda from the left in Hollywood. When asked about the veracity of some of the scenes in the movie one of the writers stated,"Well, we have our own sort of truth in Hollywood."
Amazing. The perfection here is the absolute disrespect of those like Barbra Streisand whose success comes directly from the American system or other Hollywood idealogues dedicated to destroying those whom most people respect. Plus their arrogance!
Politics and propaganda: I still can't get over the lack of manners among politicians. It appears they have abdicated their responsibility to keep the public rhetoric calm, respectful. The consequences (and resultant perfection)? This coarser, meaner our discourse becomes. we become coarser, meaner. Flipping the bird, once a horrible display, now is commonplace, even among grandmothers and little girls.
Terrorism: Millions of Muslims are dedicated to destroying western civilization, especially Americans in America. And America lets them do it because they have civil rights and shouldn't be profiled. Doesn't it just figure there are those in America who insist on ignoring these threats to the very being of our country? Great, huh?
And finally, While L.A. Burns: The craven, disrespectful glitterati of Hollywood drink Cristale and toast the glory of another Tower of Babylon, namely the Disney Hall, and ignore what's not part of their provincial Beverly Hills, Brentwood and even Studio City. The stars and their little minions, the executives and their Hollywood society wives, and the media barons whose livlihoods are dependent upon it all talk exhaltedly of art and culture, while fire departments keep these spoiled individuals' neighborhoods from being consumed by tornadic fire.
And the pickets in front of our grocery stores who say it wouldn't help the fire victims if they didn't picket? Life goes on, they say. We have to take care of our own. Ain't it perfect?
I'm sick of hearing that excuse for basically thumbing their noses at what's going on around them. Think of the lack of concern these people are showing. Dammit. What's wrong with showing our concern by NOT doing something?
"Moving on" is the ridiculous rationalization for the most irresponsible among us. There has to be a time of concern and respect for those among who have lost everything. THEN, we move on. Again, a display of shallow perfection at its best.
The perfect storms surrounding us physically and poltically produce greatness and courage, bravery and loyalty.
We fall heir to heroes during and after perfect storms. Like the group of women called SEAL WIVES AGAINST TERRORISM. They're taking care of business here at home by helping with different causes connected with the war.
Other heroes stand on the ridges of the San Bernardino National Forest or the Cuyamaca Mountains to keep thousands of hearths and homes standing through the conflagration of ferocious wild fires.
Public figures become our heroes by remaining firm against the evils of the dark despots in our midst.
I"m recalling the two or three people who have on every Saturday for the past six months stood on the corners of Diamond and Mountain Trail Drive who wave flags and hold signs that say, "Honk, if you support the war." Cheerleaders are also heroes. They understand psychology better than the learned Ph.Ds. Isn't that perfect?
And let us not forget the everyday heroes, all of us who contribute and work toward the good of our families and others...those of us who vote, who volunteer, who do something good without anyone knowing about it, who have risen above the perfect storms of our culture by taking care of our children and insisting upon excellence in their lives.
We've all experienced the perfect storms of hurt and humiliation at work, at disappointments in our loved ones, overcoming the perpetual hardships of unemployment or personal financial disaster, the same our ancestors faced in their perfect storms. Imagine the pioneers' PS: Indians, and cholera, and broken axles on their wagons, and the horse dropping dead, and, and, and. The perfection is their development of the western United States.
This morning I wondered how I can help the fire victims. The answer finally came to me. In the back seat of my SUV are many, many clothes that I was ready to take to a consignment shop. Instead, I'll just donate them to a fire charity. Perfect!
Thanks for the read.
Anyone who performs life threatening tasks such as blue water sailing or parenting understands the analogy. A lot like Murphy's Law, a perfect storm is described as everything that can go wrong does. If something happened to cause you to say disgustedly, "Oh, great. That's just great," you've just gone through a perfect storm.
We inhabitants of Planet Earth can now say we are experiencing several perfect storms together. Here are some.
The Iraq War: Not only are there Iraqi insurgents causing unbelievable frustration and death to the Coalition and Iraqis, we're bashed over and over again by our own Democrat prez candidates. The rest of the world chimes in. The perfection is manifested in the chaos caused on the world's political stage.
The Middle East War: Israel won't sit still anymore while Hammas kills their people, so they built a wall. Young Palestinians are crazed enough to kill themselves and others in their suicide/homicide attacks. This is perfection in that nothing can be done to stop these terrorists as long as Hammas is in business. Then there's Arafat, this old fool who has prolonged these horrible attacks by just "being there." Great, that's just great.
The Media: Can you remember a time when sexuality was so brazenly presented as it was this last summer? And the coarse language used as the primary communication device between young people, those heartless, mean ones who are quite ignorant, thanks to the perfect storm of teachers not teaching and parents not parenting. No one can state we've done our best here. Isn't it just perfect that Eminem makes zillions while our children are affected by his hatred and negativity? Or Madonna says she shields her little ones from the sexuality on TV. Puleeze.
The lack of respect for CBS to tell a bogus story about Ronald Reagan (while the man is still alive!) strikes me as an "in your face" kind of propaganda from the left in Hollywood. When asked about the veracity of some of the scenes in the movie one of the writers stated,"Well, we have our own sort of truth in Hollywood."
Amazing. The perfection here is the absolute disrespect of those like Barbra Streisand whose success comes directly from the American system or other Hollywood idealogues dedicated to destroying those whom most people respect. Plus their arrogance!
Politics and propaganda: I still can't get over the lack of manners among politicians. It appears they have abdicated their responsibility to keep the public rhetoric calm, respectful. The consequences (and resultant perfection)? This coarser, meaner our discourse becomes. we become coarser, meaner. Flipping the bird, once a horrible display, now is commonplace, even among grandmothers and little girls.
Terrorism: Millions of Muslims are dedicated to destroying western civilization, especially Americans in America. And America lets them do it because they have civil rights and shouldn't be profiled. Doesn't it just figure there are those in America who insist on ignoring these threats to the very being of our country? Great, huh?
And finally, While L.A. Burns: The craven, disrespectful glitterati of Hollywood drink Cristale and toast the glory of another Tower of Babylon, namely the Disney Hall, and ignore what's not part of their provincial Beverly Hills, Brentwood and even Studio City. The stars and their little minions, the executives and their Hollywood society wives, and the media barons whose livlihoods are dependent upon it all talk exhaltedly of art and culture, while fire departments keep these spoiled individuals' neighborhoods from being consumed by tornadic fire.
And the pickets in front of our grocery stores who say it wouldn't help the fire victims if they didn't picket? Life goes on, they say. We have to take care of our own. Ain't it perfect?
I'm sick of hearing that excuse for basically thumbing their noses at what's going on around them. Think of the lack of concern these people are showing. Dammit. What's wrong with showing our concern by NOT doing something?
"Moving on" is the ridiculous rationalization for the most irresponsible among us. There has to be a time of concern and respect for those among who have lost everything. THEN, we move on. Again, a display of shallow perfection at its best.
The perfect storms surrounding us physically and poltically produce greatness and courage, bravery and loyalty.
We fall heir to heroes during and after perfect storms. Like the group of women called SEAL WIVES AGAINST TERRORISM. They're taking care of business here at home by helping with different causes connected with the war.
Other heroes stand on the ridges of the San Bernardino National Forest or the Cuyamaca Mountains to keep thousands of hearths and homes standing through the conflagration of ferocious wild fires.
Public figures become our heroes by remaining firm against the evils of the dark despots in our midst.
I"m recalling the two or three people who have on every Saturday for the past six months stood on the corners of Diamond and Mountain Trail Drive who wave flags and hold signs that say, "Honk, if you support the war." Cheerleaders are also heroes. They understand psychology better than the learned Ph.Ds. Isn't that perfect?
And let us not forget the everyday heroes, all of us who contribute and work toward the good of our families and others...those of us who vote, who volunteer, who do something good without anyone knowing about it, who have risen above the perfect storms of our culture by taking care of our children and insisting upon excellence in their lives.
We've all experienced the perfect storms of hurt and humiliation at work, at disappointments in our loved ones, overcoming the perpetual hardships of unemployment or personal financial disaster, the same our ancestors faced in their perfect storms. Imagine the pioneers' PS: Indians, and cholera, and broken axles on their wagons, and the horse dropping dead, and, and, and. The perfection is their development of the western United States.
This morning I wondered how I can help the fire victims. The answer finally came to me. In the back seat of my SUV are many, many clothes that I was ready to take to a consignment shop. Instead, I'll just donate them to a fire charity. Perfect!
Thanks for the read.
Monday, October 27, 2003
Monday, October 13, 2003
Five minutes ago, I read two current reports from papers in India and Pakistan stating Saddam got out on a watermelon barge. Find this at the Google News link on the right.
Sure hope it's true, don't you?
Well, it's post election and we in California are no longer mired in the frenzy of the past two months. I'll just say I'm happy it's over. Let's hope the Governator will do his job.
Remember back when Arnold first announced for governor? One of the reasons I instantly threw my support behind him was the fact that his wife, Maria, is a Kennedy. That will do Governor-Elect Arnold quite well when the negotating starts. Imagine the most intransigent Democrat in California (hmmmmm...maybe Willie Brown) being approached by one of the older Kennedys (or Sargent Shriver himself) with a request to do it for the Kennedys...after all, you owe us.
Yep. Arnold's going to be just fine. The Kennedy blood is thicker than anything, including politics.
Not only does he suffer from horrible addiction to morphene-style drugs, he's in pain. How his docs will manage this, I don't know. Addiction is this case has nothing to do with will power. It really doesn't
His tolerance has built up and his addiction is uncontrollable. When he finally is off, he'll still have the pain. Not much of a payoff for being good, huh? Too bad Rush is so against legalising some drugs. He could be given medical marijuana. At least there's no addiction.
I went to my favorite grocery store yesterday only to have been met by women and men in the same tee shirts, carrying placards stating they were grocery checkers on strike. As I walked through them, one of them said, "Please don't shop here. Honor our picket line."
I said, "No."
Later when I walked out with my groceries the leader asked, "Why won't you support us? Think of our families. This is very important."
Years ago, unions were a necessary evil. Thanks to the avarice of large companies, people had to deal with management from a collective bargaining position to get the most basic demands met, No one spoke for the "workers." Back then.
My dad used to say labor unions were going to price themselves right out of the market. Looks like he was right.
The facts: Less than 13% of Americans belong to labor unions today. Most of that 13% are government employees and belong to the powerful Federal Government Employee lobby. Take a look at some of their benefits some day. The other pluses include, well...look it up. You'll be amazed at what a bureaucrat makes.
Anyway, I don't like having to equate my shopping experience with a moral question. It's for darn sure none of them would stop doing business with any of the companies I wrote technical manuals for!
Meanwhile, I'm sick of victims, frankly. And that's how these people are portraying themselves.
By the way, these folks make up to $17.91 for passing merchandise and food over scanners. Plus benefits and retirement. Pretty good bucks for passing stuff over a computer.
I've heard this strike is part of a national strategy to upset WalMart, a non-union store.
I've decided to send myself back to scriptwriting hell. And hell it is, believe me. I can do nothing else during that period, so I'll not be writing my BLOG for a while. Hope all remains well for all of you.
Thanks for the read.
Five minutes ago, I read two current reports from papers in India and Pakistan stating Saddam got out on a watermelon barge. Find this at the Google News link on the right.
Sure hope it's true, don't you?
Well, it's post election and we in California are no longer mired in the frenzy of the past two months. I'll just say I'm happy it's over. Let's hope the Governator will do his job.
Remember back when Arnold first announced for governor? One of the reasons I instantly threw my support behind him was the fact that his wife, Maria, is a Kennedy. That will do Governor-Elect Arnold quite well when the negotating starts. Imagine the most intransigent Democrat in California (hmmmmm...maybe Willie Brown) being approached by one of the older Kennedys (or Sargent Shriver himself) with a request to do it for the Kennedys...after all, you owe us.
Yep. Arnold's going to be just fine. The Kennedy blood is thicker than anything, including politics.
Not only does he suffer from horrible addiction to morphene-style drugs, he's in pain. How his docs will manage this, I don't know. Addiction is this case has nothing to do with will power. It really doesn't
His tolerance has built up and his addiction is uncontrollable. When he finally is off, he'll still have the pain. Not much of a payoff for being good, huh? Too bad Rush is so against legalising some drugs. He could be given medical marijuana. At least there's no addiction.
I went to my favorite grocery store yesterday only to have been met by women and men in the same tee shirts, carrying placards stating they were grocery checkers on strike. As I walked through them, one of them said, "Please don't shop here. Honor our picket line."
I said, "No."
Later when I walked out with my groceries the leader asked, "Why won't you support us? Think of our families. This is very important."
Years ago, unions were a necessary evil. Thanks to the avarice of large companies, people had to deal with management from a collective bargaining position to get the most basic demands met, No one spoke for the "workers." Back then.
My dad used to say labor unions were going to price themselves right out of the market. Looks like he was right.
The facts: Less than 13% of Americans belong to labor unions today. Most of that 13% are government employees and belong to the powerful Federal Government Employee lobby. Take a look at some of their benefits some day. The other pluses include, well...look it up. You'll be amazed at what a bureaucrat makes.
Anyway, I don't like having to equate my shopping experience with a moral question. It's for darn sure none of them would stop doing business with any of the companies I wrote technical manuals for!
Meanwhile, I'm sick of victims, frankly. And that's how these people are portraying themselves.
By the way, these folks make up to $17.91 for passing merchandise and food over scanners. Plus benefits and retirement. Pretty good bucks for passing stuff over a computer.
I've heard this strike is part of a national strategy to upset WalMart, a non-union store.
I've decided to send myself back to scriptwriting hell. And hell it is, believe me. I can do nothing else during that period, so I'll not be writing my BLOG for a while. Hope all remains well for all of you.
Thanks for the read.
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
What's a mandate, you ask?
Bill Clinton said it was 43% of the vote, never mind the other 57% voted for Perot or Bush.
Or it could be a pronounced change in foreign policy based on events like 9/11.
Today's huge "yes" vote at over 50% contains quantity and quality--the perfect storm for democracy.
Arnold has his work cut out for him. Besides the ridiculous threats to recall Arnold by the sore losers, he'll have to deal with the intransigence of the state legislature. Only when the big guns come through to help Arnold rearrange Sacramento will the crazed, entrenched democrats begin to recognize a bit of mandate of their own. Either work with Arnold or you're out.
I'm listening to the east coast chatterers who are a wreck because they didn't call this election. They missed it and know now where the country is headed.
I predict we'll see some radiating activity from this marvelous election. The whole country will perk up. Thank God for democracy.
Thanks for the read.
Bill Clinton said it was 43% of the vote, never mind the other 57% voted for Perot or Bush.
Or it could be a pronounced change in foreign policy based on events like 9/11.
Today's huge "yes" vote at over 50% contains quantity and quality--the perfect storm for democracy.
Arnold has his work cut out for him. Besides the ridiculous threats to recall Arnold by the sore losers, he'll have to deal with the intransigence of the state legislature. Only when the big guns come through to help Arnold rearrange Sacramento will the crazed, entrenched democrats begin to recognize a bit of mandate of their own. Either work with Arnold or you're out.
I'm listening to the east coast chatterers who are a wreck because they didn't call this election. They missed it and know now where the country is headed.
I predict we'll see some radiating activity from this marvelous election. The whole country will perk up. Thank God for democracy.
Thanks for the read.
Monday, October 06, 2003
Just in case you thought you might take Davis' side in this recall, let me tell you about the legislative activity of the last few days.
Not only have Davis' credits been recalled through visits from the usual suspects in the Democratic party to support him, he's also been extremely busy with signing major bills that affect everyone.
The shredding company speaks for itself. It figures that Davis hired a New York firm.
Other outrageous legislation Davis has signed includes: companies of 200 or more are mandated to pay 80% of workers' health insurance premiums, and provide full coverage for part time workers and their families (25-1/2 hours per week). Companies of 50 to 199 must comply soon when the state gets enough money to give these guys tax credits (!?). Goodbye , businesses. Bye bye, jobs.
Lemmee see, then there's the bill that gives money to promote boxing...
And the illegal aliens drivers license fiasco.
The tripled car tax.
And more. He's got 400 bills he'll sign before Schwarzenegger gets into office. Geez.
Jill Stewart, the firebrand ex-Times reporter, says the newspaper is systematically smearing Arnold. Her sources within the Times organization have decided to tell all.
Another bombshell, the Times has sat on a story since 1997 about Davis' horrible treatment of his staff and office workers, including throwing ashtrays, shouting the f-word until his subservients cower. Guess still waters run deep. Next stop for Gray: anger management classes.
So, make your choice.
Seems Dr. David Kay's WMD report contains fascinating details about a new strain of anthrax found in Iraq (oh yeah, that doesn't count), as well as compelling proof of ongong and proposed programs. He also cites an intervention at sea of nuclear materials headed to Iraq from guess who: Uncle Jong Il in Korea. Thank God the shipment was stopped.
As this was an interim report, a fact the Bushslayers won't admit, there will be much more later. I suspect Israel's bombing of terrorist camps in Syria over the weekend will reveal much more. I've thought all along the WMDs were moved to Syria and Iran (the Shiite's there). Time will tell.
Meanwhile, the beat of democracy building goes on in Iraq. More material and business is moving in. I pray big telecommunications people will get their bravest people in there to establish a media infrastructure.
Events are turning quickly. More later.
Thanks for the read.
Just in case you thought you might take Davis' side in this recall, let me tell you about the legislative activity of the last few days.
Not only have Davis' credits been recalled through visits from the usual suspects in the Democratic party to support him, he's also been extremely busy with signing major bills that affect everyone.
The shredding company speaks for itself. It figures that Davis hired a New York firm.
Other outrageous legislation Davis has signed includes: companies of 200 or more are mandated to pay 80% of workers' health insurance premiums, and provide full coverage for part time workers and their families (25-1/2 hours per week). Companies of 50 to 199 must comply soon when the state gets enough money to give these guys tax credits (!?). Goodbye , businesses. Bye bye, jobs.
Lemmee see, then there's the bill that gives money to promote boxing...
And the illegal aliens drivers license fiasco.
The tripled car tax.
And more. He's got 400 bills he'll sign before Schwarzenegger gets into office. Geez.
Jill Stewart, the firebrand ex-Times reporter, says the newspaper is systematically smearing Arnold. Her sources within the Times organization have decided to tell all.
Another bombshell, the Times has sat on a story since 1997 about Davis' horrible treatment of his staff and office workers, including throwing ashtrays, shouting the f-word until his subservients cower. Guess still waters run deep. Next stop for Gray: anger management classes.
So, make your choice.
Seems Dr. David Kay's WMD report contains fascinating details about a new strain of anthrax found in Iraq (oh yeah, that doesn't count), as well as compelling proof of ongong and proposed programs. He also cites an intervention at sea of nuclear materials headed to Iraq from guess who: Uncle Jong Il in Korea. Thank God the shipment was stopped.
As this was an interim report, a fact the Bushslayers won't admit, there will be much more later. I suspect Israel's bombing of terrorist camps in Syria over the weekend will reveal much more. I've thought all along the WMDs were moved to Syria and Iran (the Shiite's there). Time will tell.
Meanwhile, the beat of democracy building goes on in Iraq. More material and business is moving in. I pray big telecommunications people will get their bravest people in there to establish a media infrastructure.
Events are turning quickly. More later.
Thanks for the read.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
A typical move, especially among Democrats (Republicans are too nice--that's why George the Elder didn't get re-elected) is turn the tables on your opponent.
Remember when Gray Davis and Cruz Bustamante were on the defensive? Following the debate, Arnold pulled ahead of McClintock. The wicked witch of Brentwood (Huffyton) dropped out, Arnold gained momentum and the way looked clear to victory.
Not so fast. The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times do not want Arnold Schwarzenegger, or any Republican, for that matter, to win this election.
Their "puke" factor is gallon bag size. ABC went with an erroneous story about Arnold's "admiration" for Hitler, which was picked up by both LA and NY papers. Of course, now the story has been discredited.
Meanwhile, other women, all my age for God's sake, are looking for their 15 minutes (talk about Raisins in the Sun). Now really, how many of you women out there would speak up twenty-five years later? I went to some pretty wild parties myself. Where there's party drinking, there's fondling. Big deal. Interesting no one has cried rape, unlike another lech we all know.
About the groping: I DON'T CARE. Okay? I don't. This whole thing is ridiculous and I'm insulted the so-called Democratic "statesmen" have not stepped up to neutralize this shameful display of bloodsport politics. You know, we Repubs are being repaid. These people will not, repeat will not stop (number 10 below).
This is straight from the Democratic playbook. Clinton used it with success, Gore tried and now Davis and Bustamante. Here are the instructions taught at their mother's knee.
1. Deny..
2. Distort.
3. Delay.
4. Obfuscate.
5. Change the subject.
6. Pay off "witnesses."
7. Lie.
8. Attack.
9. Deny.
10. Never give up. Never.
And, according to David Horowitz, ex-Radical child: "Remember, the issue is NEVER the issue. The Issue is power, keeping it, and making sure no one else gets the power. Everything else is subordinate to that ideal."
Gives a a real nice feeling, don't it? Geez. It's just too much Machiavelli for this American hick. I just want an honest man to take care of business, like protect national security, no matter what it takes.
Back to California, we're at number 7, headed for number 8. Tommorrow Maureen Dowd(y) has a hit piece accusing Arnold of buying notes and tapes about his admiration of Hitler for $1 million, then paid another mill to the Simon Wiesenthal Center to help in the cover up. Hmmmm. She insults Schwartzenegger and also one of the most revered Jewish institutions in the world!
Remember Maureen Dowd? The one who hit and runs, never sits for interviews, dates Aaron Sorkin (the West Wing writer)?
By the way, if you'd like to read my other blogs about the history of the recall, look around my other sites. The Republican Party pieces explain a bit about how the party is made up. It's pretty harsh, but then, I'm calling it as I see it. The California Republican party has been dying for major election cycles. I talk about why and what needs to happen to get back our power.
Voting for Schwarzenegger is the beginning. In this case, remember the issue is not the issue. The issue is power and getting it before the Dems kill us all with their irresponsible views on illegal immigration. This is more than Davis. Think about the possiblity of a man (racist, unaplogetic about his views regarding Atzhlan and Mecha) like Bustamante getting more power. You don't think the world's fifth largest economy won't turn into a third world banana republic? Trust me; it will happen if Cruz is put in the state house. It scares the hell out of me.
Again, these people can't have it both ways. They set the standard for coverage of sexual matters with powerful men with Clinton . This is a calculated, systematic effort to destroy a upsurge in Republican support. Schwarzenegger has provided them with wonderful material.
This is not our grandfather's America.
Thanks for the read.
A typical move, especially among Democrats (Republicans are too nice--that's why George the Elder didn't get re-elected) is turn the tables on your opponent.
Remember when Gray Davis and Cruz Bustamante were on the defensive? Following the debate, Arnold pulled ahead of McClintock. The wicked witch of Brentwood (Huffyton) dropped out, Arnold gained momentum and the way looked clear to victory.
Not so fast. The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times do not want Arnold Schwarzenegger, or any Republican, for that matter, to win this election.
Their "puke" factor is gallon bag size. ABC went with an erroneous story about Arnold's "admiration" for Hitler, which was picked up by both LA and NY papers. Of course, now the story has been discredited.
Meanwhile, other women, all my age for God's sake, are looking for their 15 minutes (talk about Raisins in the Sun). Now really, how many of you women out there would speak up twenty-five years later? I went to some pretty wild parties myself. Where there's party drinking, there's fondling. Big deal. Interesting no one has cried rape, unlike another lech we all know.
About the groping: I DON'T CARE. Okay? I don't. This whole thing is ridiculous and I'm insulted the so-called Democratic "statesmen" have not stepped up to neutralize this shameful display of bloodsport politics. You know, we Repubs are being repaid. These people will not, repeat will not stop (number 10 below).
This is straight from the Democratic playbook. Clinton used it with success, Gore tried and now Davis and Bustamante. Here are the instructions taught at their mother's knee.
1. Deny..
2. Distort.
3. Delay.
4. Obfuscate.
5. Change the subject.
6. Pay off "witnesses."
7. Lie.
8. Attack.
9. Deny.
10. Never give up. Never.
And, according to David Horowitz, ex-Radical child: "Remember, the issue is NEVER the issue. The Issue is power, keeping it, and making sure no one else gets the power. Everything else is subordinate to that ideal."
Gives a a real nice feeling, don't it? Geez. It's just too much Machiavelli for this American hick. I just want an honest man to take care of business, like protect national security, no matter what it takes.
Back to California, we're at number 7, headed for number 8. Tommorrow Maureen Dowd(y) has a hit piece accusing Arnold of buying notes and tapes about his admiration of Hitler for $1 million, then paid another mill to the Simon Wiesenthal Center to help in the cover up. Hmmmm. She insults Schwartzenegger and also one of the most revered Jewish institutions in the world!
Remember Maureen Dowd? The one who hit and runs, never sits for interviews, dates Aaron Sorkin (the West Wing writer)?
By the way, if you'd like to read my other blogs about the history of the recall, look around my other sites. The Republican Party pieces explain a bit about how the party is made up. It's pretty harsh, but then, I'm calling it as I see it. The California Republican party has been dying for major election cycles. I talk about why and what needs to happen to get back our power.
Voting for Schwarzenegger is the beginning. In this case, remember the issue is not the issue. The issue is power and getting it before the Dems kill us all with their irresponsible views on illegal immigration. This is more than Davis. Think about the possiblity of a man (racist, unaplogetic about his views regarding Atzhlan and Mecha) like Bustamante getting more power. You don't think the world's fifth largest economy won't turn into a third world banana republic? Trust me; it will happen if Cruz is put in the state house. It scares the hell out of me.
Again, these people can't have it both ways. They set the standard for coverage of sexual matters with powerful men with Clinton . This is a calculated, systematic effort to destroy a upsurge in Republican support. Schwarzenegger has provided them with wonderful material.
This is not our grandfather's America.
Thanks for the read.
Friday, October 03, 2003
Maria Shriver, one of the world's most interesting women, stands with her husband and says so. She spoke today to the California Women's Leadership group. Her edgy earthiness is a relief from the negativity we've heard.
She's pulled Arnold's butt out of the fire today. She was magnificent.
Okay, Rush, go ahead. Be a jerk about all this swirling around your head. You say you won't apologize? Okay.
But here's the deal, Big Boy. You've screwed up. You need to acknowledge the following:
1. Politicizing sports is a very unhappy turn for most sports fans. We want to escape from all that we hear daily.
Don't proselytize while I'm watching my Chiefs. I don't want to hear it. I want to hear nothing about politics or culture when I'm watching Priest Holmes or Dante Hall (ain't he somethin?).
You also were wrong about using McNagg to make your point. You're damned lucky the other guys in the booth didn't take your head off.
2. Hey, Bud, if you're using drugs, you need help. Kay? Admit it, get clean and get off other people's backs about drugs. It's none of your business and hypocritical.
I didn't think so. I can't remember either. Probably something real dumb. The mudslingers continue. Till something sticks, plan on hearing more and more and more and...
I'll bet all the teenboys are groping their billfolds to remove many dollar bills to pay for their own personal copy of Esquire. They'll really like the cover. Brittany is darned near buck neked.
Now...see. That's what happens when you hang out with people like Madonna. A nice Republican girl would never do something like that.
Tee Hee.
Thanks for the read.
She's pulled Arnold's butt out of the fire today. She was magnificent.
Okay, Rush, go ahead. Be a jerk about all this swirling around your head. You say you won't apologize? Okay.
But here's the deal, Big Boy. You've screwed up. You need to acknowledge the following:
1. Politicizing sports is a very unhappy turn for most sports fans. We want to escape from all that we hear daily.
Don't proselytize while I'm watching my Chiefs. I don't want to hear it. I want to hear nothing about politics or culture when I'm watching Priest Holmes or Dante Hall (ain't he somethin?).
You also were wrong about using McNagg to make your point. You're damned lucky the other guys in the booth didn't take your head off.
2. Hey, Bud, if you're using drugs, you need help. Kay? Admit it, get clean and get off other people's backs about drugs. It's none of your business and hypocritical.
I didn't think so. I can't remember either. Probably something real dumb. The mudslingers continue. Till something sticks, plan on hearing more and more and more and...
I'll bet all the teenboys are groping their billfolds to remove many dollar bills to pay for their own personal copy of Esquire. They'll really like the cover. Brittany is darned near buck neked.
Now...see. That's what happens when you hang out with people like Madonna. A nice Republican girl would never do something like that.
Tee Hee.
Thanks for the read.
Thursday, October 02, 2003
The thing about the character defect of arrogance is this; it insults the intelligence of rational, bright people.
The L.A. Times' arrogance at placing the Schwarzenegger sexual harassment story on the front page above the fold finally confirms the truth: The Los Angeles Times is a biased newspaper who colors facts and manipulates public opinion, then disguises it as news.
The media can't have it both ways. They can't proclaim the insignificance of similar charges against Clinton, then get all holy with Arnold. All references to the Clinton problems were buried on page 24.
I'm about to cancel my subscription again. I just can't stand the Times' (NY or LA) claim they're objective.
WWMD? (See separate blog at right.) He would've thrown the story in the trash.
Well, duh. Dr. Kay is not at all convinced there are no WMDs or nukes. If the Democrats would simply calm down (actually this is the calmest personal attack I've seen from them in a long time), and become a part of the solution, we might get something accomplished in Iraq.
The Democrats have decided to go down that slimy slope to regain power--even at the expense of the American people. Will the real Democrat Statesman please stand up? Anyone? Bueller, Ferris? Anyone?
Just think of it. The president's greatest political asset, Karl Rove, the late Lee Atwater's protege and Wunderkind, is suspected of dirty tricks. So dirty, if convicted, the perp goes to jail for ten years.
Okay. The president is an honorable man. He's also an excellent manager. His MBA from Yale has come in handy in most cases. But I doubt it prepared him for this possibility.
Your mentor and friend has broken the law. As president, what would you do?
Nothing. If Rove put this administration in jeopardy, he should be fired. If he put Mrs. Wilson in jeopardy, he should go to jail.
BUT, I doubt Rove would take that chance. He's too savvy to make mistake like this. No. This is someone else...the telephone records will reveal all. This sounds like someone over at State. Maybe the same bureaucrats who were against the Iraq war. Hmmm.
Like I said, it's better than West Wing. It's real humanity on the line.
Okay, I admit it. There was a time I thought Limbaugh was all right. Yeah, he was obnoxious in some ways, but it was so refreshing to hear some truth for a change. A lot of what he said I knew already. His delivery and presentation shocked me, but I still listened for a while.
That was ten years ago. I was growing politically and culturally learning a person needs to stop thinking in extremes. It is not healthy.
Anyway, Rush began getting on my nerves about seven years ago. I noticed he gave no quarter to even the most sincere, courteous caller. By then he had become actually painful to listen to because the negativity was constant. And his voice changed; it became strident, harsh, edgy.
Along with extreme thinking, I've tried to give up negative thinking. So, Limbaugh was not good for me. He kept my stomach lining in a constant curl.
So, here the guy is. He throws out another unnecessary incendiary race grenade only to get his arm chopped off. He may be right, I don't know. The point is he's entirely too self-conscious about his success and his flame throwing is not appropriate during football coverage, regardless of what ESPN wanted. His humiliation of McNagg bothered me. He didn't do anything either to us or to Limbaugh. It was unfair and mean to use McNagg as an exemplar of blacks getting a boost unfairly.
Now, about the drug thing. For a man who is so adamant against the use of medical marijuana it seems rather strange he would allow himself to become dependent upon illegal prescription drugs to manage his pain. Either that, or he's just a blowhard.
At least Arnold apologized sincerely for his fax pas, never making claims about being damned near close to perfect.
The Bush/Cheney folks have shown an increase of nearly one million contributors, most of whom donated under $30 dollars to the re-election campaign.
That's a huge sign of where the country is emotionally. What it tells me is people are so concerned that a wimpy democrat will be elected, they are willing to send the president their hard earned money to keep him in the oval office. Why? Democrats scare most people. They are the ones who foolishly harangue the president over Iraq, who look for a crime under every rock and offer no solution to any of our security problems, demoralizing our military and emboldening our enemies. They lost their vision and moral courage.
These are dangerous, immature people, act like children. They do not, or will not concede the obvious, to wit: we live in a new, very different world that requires a preemptive, proactive war and foreign policy. They're making our Constitution into a Suicide Pact.
We must get behind the people who are dedicated to preserving our national ethic, keeping the barbarians at bay. Believe me, any nation that would allow a doctor to stick a pair of scissors into the skull of a nine-month old baby, then sucking its brains out is barbaric. I don't care where you stand on abortion...this is just too much.
Moderate think tanks like Cato Institute and American Enterprise Institute could use the money. Front Page, David Horowitz's brilliant emag, helps pass the word along about political realities on our campuses and in the popular culture. Take a look at my links.
And don't forget the blood bank. And the Red Cross and the Salvation Army and Benai Brith.
I've got great news for you. The movie, "The Passion," Mel Gibson's portrayal of Christ's last hours on the cross is not anti-Semitic. It is historical in the context of Jewish politics during the end of the first century B.C.E.
How do I know this? Well, among my limited talents and deep interests are biblical history and escotology. (My latest project is learning Hebrew. I also installed Bible Code software. Amazing stuff.)
This and my New Testament church teachings scream that I attempt to clarify the Protestant Christian's (and modern Catholic's) understanding of the Holy Gospels and what they actually say on the subject.
The most frustrating thing about talking with a non believer or a person from another faith has to be the fact that they do not have the information you have. If they did, they may agree with you. Here's what I know.
First of all, the Sadducees (second in the Jewish hierarchy to the Pharisees) were in a particularly tight spot with the Romans. Politically they had no choice but to make nice with Pilot...their freedom depended upon it. Jesus got in the way, as would outsider who threatened the power structure. Besides, these men had the welfare of their Jewish people to think of.
But be clear here. The Jews did not kill Jesus. The Romans killed Jesus. True, they could have had the Romans take Barrabas, but they didn't know who Jesus was. Christ on the cross said, "Forgive them; they know not what they do."
This myth that the Jews killed Jesus and they are horrible people because of it is an invention of the old Catholic Church. Moreover, the Bible is absolutely firm on our understanding and treatment of Jews.
When one of His apostles asked Jesus how to respond, what to do about the Jew's betrayal of Him, Christ pointedly exhorted "Do not concern yourself with the Jews. They are my chosen people and I have plans for them." I paraphrased.
I hope this helps in your analysis of Mr. Gibson's picture. I believe he's a good man.
Meanwhile, anti-Semitism sucks.
I can't leave today's column without commenting on California Conservatives' moral dilemma. Should I or shouldn't I? Will God forgive me for voting for a pro-abortion, womanizing candidate and not vote for a straight arrow like McClintock?
The real question they should be asking is will God forgive me for handing the State House to Bustamante. Think about it real hard, folks.
I applaud the California Republican Chairman, Duff Sundheim, for endorsing Arnold. Usually the party treats this like a primary. But the call from the grass roots (folks like me) was so loud, they had to break their tradition. County chairmen did their jobs!
Mr. McClintock has to understand if most Republicans don't want him near the upcoming senate race. He's run out his string with moderates.
Too bad. Old Tom could have been the darling of the party for his sacrifice, actually helping the cause of Conservatism. Not any more. He'll never occupy a soft spot among power Republicans. He foolishly broke the President Reagan's Eleventh Commandment: "Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican."
Thanks for the read.
The thing about the character defect of arrogance is this; it insults the intelligence of rational, bright people.
The L.A. Times' arrogance at placing the Schwarzenegger sexual harassment story on the front page above the fold finally confirms the truth: The Los Angeles Times is a biased newspaper who colors facts and manipulates public opinion, then disguises it as news.
The media can't have it both ways. They can't proclaim the insignificance of similar charges against Clinton, then get all holy with Arnold. All references to the Clinton problems were buried on page 24.
I'm about to cancel my subscription again. I just can't stand the Times' (NY or LA) claim they're objective.
WWMD? (See separate blog at right.) He would've thrown the story in the trash.
Well, duh. Dr. Kay is not at all convinced there are no WMDs or nukes. If the Democrats would simply calm down (actually this is the calmest personal attack I've seen from them in a long time), and become a part of the solution, we might get something accomplished in Iraq.
The Democrats have decided to go down that slimy slope to regain power--even at the expense of the American people. Will the real Democrat Statesman please stand up? Anyone? Bueller, Ferris? Anyone?
Just think of it. The president's greatest political asset, Karl Rove, the late Lee Atwater's protege and Wunderkind, is suspected of dirty tricks. So dirty, if convicted, the perp goes to jail for ten years.
Okay. The president is an honorable man. He's also an excellent manager. His MBA from Yale has come in handy in most cases. But I doubt it prepared him for this possibility.
Your mentor and friend has broken the law. As president, what would you do?
Nothing. If Rove put this administration in jeopardy, he should be fired. If he put Mrs. Wilson in jeopardy, he should go to jail.
BUT, I doubt Rove would take that chance. He's too savvy to make mistake like this. No. This is someone else...the telephone records will reveal all. This sounds like someone over at State. Maybe the same bureaucrats who were against the Iraq war. Hmmm.
Like I said, it's better than West Wing. It's real humanity on the line.
Okay, I admit it. There was a time I thought Limbaugh was all right. Yeah, he was obnoxious in some ways, but it was so refreshing to hear some truth for a change. A lot of what he said I knew already. His delivery and presentation shocked me, but I still listened for a while.
That was ten years ago. I was growing politically and culturally learning a person needs to stop thinking in extremes. It is not healthy.
Anyway, Rush began getting on my nerves about seven years ago. I noticed he gave no quarter to even the most sincere, courteous caller. By then he had become actually painful to listen to because the negativity was constant. And his voice changed; it became strident, harsh, edgy.
Along with extreme thinking, I've tried to give up negative thinking. So, Limbaugh was not good for me. He kept my stomach lining in a constant curl.
So, here the guy is. He throws out another unnecessary incendiary race grenade only to get his arm chopped off. He may be right, I don't know. The point is he's entirely too self-conscious about his success and his flame throwing is not appropriate during football coverage, regardless of what ESPN wanted. His humiliation of McNagg bothered me. He didn't do anything either to us or to Limbaugh. It was unfair and mean to use McNagg as an exemplar of blacks getting a boost unfairly.
Now, about the drug thing. For a man who is so adamant against the use of medical marijuana it seems rather strange he would allow himself to become dependent upon illegal prescription drugs to manage his pain. Either that, or he's just a blowhard.
At least Arnold apologized sincerely for his fax pas, never making claims about being damned near close to perfect.
The Bush/Cheney folks have shown an increase of nearly one million contributors, most of whom donated under $30 dollars to the re-election campaign.
That's a huge sign of where the country is emotionally. What it tells me is people are so concerned that a wimpy democrat will be elected, they are willing to send the president their hard earned money to keep him in the oval office. Why? Democrats scare most people. They are the ones who foolishly harangue the president over Iraq, who look for a crime under every rock and offer no solution to any of our security problems, demoralizing our military and emboldening our enemies. They lost their vision and moral courage.
These are dangerous, immature people, act like children. They do not, or will not concede the obvious, to wit: we live in a new, very different world that requires a preemptive, proactive war and foreign policy. They're making our Constitution into a Suicide Pact.
We must get behind the people who are dedicated to preserving our national ethic, keeping the barbarians at bay. Believe me, any nation that would allow a doctor to stick a pair of scissors into the skull of a nine-month old baby, then sucking its brains out is barbaric. I don't care where you stand on abortion...this is just too much.
Moderate think tanks like Cato Institute and American Enterprise Institute could use the money. Front Page, David Horowitz's brilliant emag, helps pass the word along about political realities on our campuses and in the popular culture. Take a look at my links.
And don't forget the blood bank. And the Red Cross and the Salvation Army and Benai Brith.
I've got great news for you. The movie, "The Passion," Mel Gibson's portrayal of Christ's last hours on the cross is not anti-Semitic. It is historical in the context of Jewish politics during the end of the first century B.C.E.
How do I know this? Well, among my limited talents and deep interests are biblical history and escotology. (My latest project is learning Hebrew. I also installed Bible Code software. Amazing stuff.)
This and my New Testament church teachings scream that I attempt to clarify the Protestant Christian's (and modern Catholic's) understanding of the Holy Gospels and what they actually say on the subject.
The most frustrating thing about talking with a non believer or a person from another faith has to be the fact that they do not have the information you have. If they did, they may agree with you. Here's what I know.
First of all, the Sadducees (second in the Jewish hierarchy to the Pharisees) were in a particularly tight spot with the Romans. Politically they had no choice but to make nice with Pilot...their freedom depended upon it. Jesus got in the way, as would outsider who threatened the power structure. Besides, these men had the welfare of their Jewish people to think of.
But be clear here. The Jews did not kill Jesus. The Romans killed Jesus. True, they could have had the Romans take Barrabas, but they didn't know who Jesus was. Christ on the cross said, "Forgive them; they know not what they do."
This myth that the Jews killed Jesus and they are horrible people because of it is an invention of the old Catholic Church. Moreover, the Bible is absolutely firm on our understanding and treatment of Jews.
When one of His apostles asked Jesus how to respond, what to do about the Jew's betrayal of Him, Christ pointedly exhorted "Do not concern yourself with the Jews. They are my chosen people and I have plans for them." I paraphrased.
I hope this helps in your analysis of Mr. Gibson's picture. I believe he's a good man.
Meanwhile, anti-Semitism sucks.
I can't leave today's column without commenting on California Conservatives' moral dilemma. Should I or shouldn't I? Will God forgive me for voting for a pro-abortion, womanizing candidate and not vote for a straight arrow like McClintock?
The real question they should be asking is will God forgive me for handing the State House to Bustamante. Think about it real hard, folks.
I applaud the California Republican Chairman, Duff Sundheim, for endorsing Arnold. Usually the party treats this like a primary. But the call from the grass roots (folks like me) was so loud, they had to break their tradition. County chairmen did their jobs!
Mr. McClintock has to understand if most Republicans don't want him near the upcoming senate race. He's run out his string with moderates.
Too bad. Old Tom could have been the darling of the party for his sacrifice, actually helping the cause of Conservatism. Not any more. He'll never occupy a soft spot among power Republicans. He foolishly broke the President Reagan's Eleventh Commandment: "Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican."
Thanks for the read.